Category: AskMeCode

  • Understanding High Level Programming Languages

    High level programming languages are a relatively new invention, and are still evolving. When something is new and evolving, it is useful to have a little background about how it all works, so you can understand what is going on as these creations evolve. That’s what this blog is about. It explains in simple terms…

  • Resume Examples

    Resume Examples: This blog features resume examples that you can use as a resource when updating your own current resume. – The Collaborative Development Environment This blog features resume examples that you can use as a resource when updating your own current resume. Our resumes are always free to download and we provide a…

  • How to Unminify CSS To Get Your CSS Working Properly

    I’m not sure if unminify is a word, but it is my word of the day. I didn’t know what I was doing when I minified my CSS and then couldn’t figure out how to get my CSS working again. So I thought I’d share this tutorial style blog on how to unminify your CSS…

  • Top 5 Jobs For Developers

    In this blog, I will be showcasing top 5 jobs of developers that use high level programming language. High level programming languages are written in English like syntax. Some examples of high level programming language includes Python, Ruby, PHP and JavaScript. There are several benefits of using a high level programming language over low level…

  • Is Visual Studio Code The New Web Developer Standard?

    There are some great web developer tools out there. Some of these are proprietary, while others are open source. When it comes to Chrome Dev Tools, they’re the standard most developers use. Now however, Microsoft has created a new standard with Visual Studio Code (VS Code). VS Code is an open source text editor that’s…