Python Program 1 -8

Python Program: 1

Python Program 1: Write a program in python to calculate the sum of 2 numbers.

Python Program 2: Write a program in python to calculate the area of circle.

Python Program 3: Write a program in python to take the value of radius from user and calculate the area of circle.

Python Program 4: Write a program in python which takes two inputs from user and print them addition.

Python Program 5: Write a program in python which takes three input from user and check : all are equal, any of two are equal ( use and or )

Python Program 6: Write a program in python which takes five inputs from user and calculate the addition of all input values.

Python Program 7: Write a program in python which takes three inputs from user and check : all are equal, any of two are equal ( use and or )

Python Program 8: Write a program in python which takes two inputs and print them multiplication.

Python Program to Print Hello world!

1. Python Program to display Fibonacci Sequence using recursion

2. Python Program to check Armstrong Number

3. Python Program to check if a Number is Positive, Negative or 0

4. Python Program to Check if a Number is Odd or Even

5. Python Program to Check Leap Year

6. Python Program to Find the Largest Among Three Numbers

7. Python program for simple interest

8. Sum of N numbers using while loop

Problem 1:

Write a program which will find all such numbers which are divisible by 7 but are not a multiple of 5, between 2000 and 3200 (both included). The numbers obtained should be printed in a comma-separated sequence on a single line.

Hints: Consider use range(

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