The show is set to return for its 20th season, marking a significant milestone in the BBC’s popular entertainment program. This season promises to be a thrilling one, with a mix of familiar faces and fresh new talent. The contestants will be judged by a panel of esteemed professionals, including the legendary Craig Revel Horwood, the ever-so-stylish Motsi Mabuse, and the charismatic Anton Du Beke.
“The Games,” a new multi-sport competition hosted by the renowned comedian and actor Paul Merton, promises to be a thrilling spectacle for viewers.
I’m just enjoying the moment.”
This quote highlights the author’s initial struggle with learning to dance. The author compares the experience to learning a new sport, like hockey, which they are already familiar with. They find the process of learning to dance to be more complex and demanding, requiring a different set of skills and mental focus.