10 Tips for Coding Better with JavaScript

10 Tips for Coding Better with JavaScript

1. Use JavaScript as a replacement for Flash in your HTML5 Web applications.

2. Use jQuery to manipulate the elements of your HTML Web application.

3. Use JavaScript, CSS and HTML5 for mobile applications; use PhoneGap to deploy it on mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, etc.).

4. Use JavaScript for server-side programming in node.js applications; use MongoDB as the database system for storing your data in NoSQL format and use ExpressJS as the web framework for building Web applications based on node.js platform.

5. Use AngularJS or BackboneJS or EmberJS or KnockoutJS or MeteorJS (or any other good JavaScript MVC) together with RequireJS (or Browserify) and LoDash as the libraries that help you to organize your code in an MVC way and make it easy to reuse and test it later when your application grows bigger and bigger.

6. Use HTML5 Canvas API and SVG API to draw graphics on a page; use CSS3 Transitions API to animate the changes of graphics over time; use SVG API to add interactivity to the graphics through DOM manipulation and event handling; use CSS3 Transitions API to animate the

The ability to write maintainable, understandable and clean code can not be overstated. It is a skill that is often overlooked by those new to coding but is one that the pros have learned to master. Below are 10 tips for writing better JavaScript code.

1. No global variables

Global variables are bad (and are evil) because they can cause collisions with other scripts or libraries you may or may not be using. Global variables also make it easy to use a variable before it’s been properly initialized and/or set to a value. There is no reason to ever use global variables in JavaScript so avoid them at all costs.

2. Use semicolons

If you’ve ever written any JavaScript at all, you should know this rule by now. Semicolons are extremely important when writing JavaScript because they separate statements and help delineate where one line ends and another begins. Without semicolons, it’s very possible your code will break in some browsers if a line happens to break in the wrong place or a script gets concatenated and minified with another script which does have semicolons.

3. Make sure your opening curly bracket is on the same line as the function definition

It’s very common for JavaScript programmers who come from other languages

When it comes to writing code, there are some best practices that we should all be following. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned developer, the following 10 tips will help you write better JavaScript!

1. Understand how undefined works in JavaScript.

2. Semicolons aren’t always required when writing JavaScript code.

3. Understand how null works in JavaScript.

4. Don’t compare equality using == and != operators – use === and !== instead.

5. Always declare your variables using var keyword at the beginning of each scope (top of the function).

6. Use typeof operator to determine the type of an object or literal value in your code.

7. Think about how to name your variables properly and make themself-documenting as much as possible – this will help you organize your code and improve readability for yourself and other developers who might review it in future!

If you’re a beginner JavaScript developer, it can be hard to know what parts of the language you need to master first. Some things are easy to pick up and others are harder. And some things are just plain confusing as hell.

One thing that confuses a lot of people is the difference between JavaScript libraries and JavaScript frameworks. I’ve even seen experienced developers use them interchangeably, which is not really correct. There are many similarities between the two, but there are also some major differences. So what’s the difference between a JavaScript library and a framework?

A library is essentially a set of functions that you can call, tell it what to do, and it will do it for you. A framework is more like your blueprint or architecture for building out your application. It lays out how your application is going to work and what it’s going to look like when it’s done.

JavaScript is the most widely used programming language on the web. It is a language that helps shape the way we use and understand the internet. With its ever growing community and increasing popularity, JavaScript is definitely here to stay.

However, users can also be exposed to poorly written code from time to time. This article will provide you with ten tips for writing better JavaScript code and in turn help you create a better experience for your users.

1. Don’t forget about naming conventions

2. Pay attention to spacing and indentation

3. Make use of comments

4. Use semicolons correctly

JavaScript is unique among the world’s popular programming languages in that it is not taught in school. We’re not aware of any universities that have a JavaScript class as part of their computer science curriculum. This means that everyone who knows JavaScript learned it on their own, from books or tutorials, or by learning from other people.

What this means in practice is that most people who know JavaScript have developed their own style over time, and there isn’t much consensus on how to write good JavaScript. What we want to do here is look at some common problems we see with JavaScript code, and talk about how to avoid them.

1. Don’t use inline event handlers

2. Don’t use the for-in statement

3. Use the typeof operator first to test for null and undefined

4. Avoid using == with non-primitive values

5. Use === instead of ==

6. Use hasOwnProperty() when iterating over an object’s properties

7. Do not use eval() – ever!

8. Avoid using arguments inside functions

9. Always declare local variables with var

10. Don’t pass strings to setTimeout() and setInterval(); pass functions

1. Don’t use JavaScript to create pop-up windows. Instead, use modal windows (like jQuery UI’s dialog). Pop-up blockers are not just annoying; they are a usability feature and an accessibility feature.

2. Don’t use JavaScript to make something that you could do with CSS, like:

* Create drop shadows (CSS3 has them now)

* Create rounded corners (CSS3 has them now)

* Have hover effects on links or buttons (CSS has them now)

* Animations (CSS3 has them now)

3. Minimize global variables and functions. They can cause name collisions in large projects, and they are difficult to debug. Instead, use private variables and functions inside modules if you are using the module pattern or use object literal notation instead of the module pattern or take advantage of HTML5’s custom data attributes by grabbing the data attribute value via jQuery for example: $(‘

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