Git is the Best Version Control System: A blog about git and why it’s the best version control system.
The goal of this blog is to show you how to create a complete git repository using command line tools only. This way, you will understand what’s going on under the hood when you are using your favorite git GUI or IDE plugin.
I believe that if you understand git at the lowest level, it will be much easier to understand the high level stuff later.
In this blog, i’m going to talk about git and why it is the best version control system.
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
As we all know, we love using our code editors to write code and do not want to leave the environment. In such cases, we can use code sandboxes like to write our code.
A sandbox is a testing environment that isolates untested code changes and outright experimentation from the production environment or repository, in the context of software development including Web development and revision control.
This blog is about git, the version control system. I’ll talk about why git is great and how you can use it to be more productive.
I started to use git in 2014, and it was a total game changer for me. At the time I thought that it was just another VCS, but after a while I realized that there’s more to it than meets the eye—git is a completely different beast.
What sets git apart from all its predecessors?
It’s fast! The performance of git is amazing, especially when working with large repositories. Compared to SVN or CVS, which are slow as hell, git feels super fast.
It’s decentralized. Unlike centralized VCSs like SVN or Perforce, which require you to communicate with a central server, with git you can work offline without any problems. This can be really useful when you’re traveling or commuting. Another benefit of using a decentralized VCS is that you get all the info about every single commit locally, so you don’t have to communicate with the server when performing operations like log or blame.
It’s free (as in freedom). Git is open source software distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2), which means you can
If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you know I love git. I’ve blogged about it before.
I love git not only because it is an awesome version control system, but also because of the community that has grown up around it. There are thousands of git hosting services, tens of thousands of git clients, and hundreds of thousands or millions of developers using it every day.
I think part of what makes it so popular is that git breaks down the barriers between different types of users and contributors to a project. For example, if you use github or some other provider to host your code, you can make changes directly on the web site via their in-browser editor. This allows non-programmers to contribute to code projects by fixing typos and grammar mistakes and making small tweaks.
A larger scale version of this idea is implemented in Mozilla’s Pontoon project which allows non-programmers to provide localized translations for Mozilla projects such as Firefox OS, Firefox Marketplace and other sites. All they need is an account with Pontoon and a basic understanding of English (to understand the original text) and their target language (to translate the text).
Pontoon uses git under the covers to manage translation files in all 50+ languages supported by
This is a blog about Git. Git is the best version control system (VCS) ever created. In this blog, I will explain why it is great, and how you can use it to improve your daily programming workflow.
I am using Git to manage all of my software development projects. Even though I have only been using Git for a few years, I cannot remember how I worked without it. I have tried many other VCSes over the last 15 years, and none of them even come close to the speed, power and flexibility that Git gives me every day.
Since Git is a distributed version control system, every developer has the full history of their code repository locally. Developers can commit to their local repositories without any internet connection, and later, when they get online, push their changes to the remote repository. This makes it faster and more secure than a centralized version control system like Subversion.
Git allows you to create multiple branches of your project. Each branch represents an independent line of development. This makes it easier to add new features or fix bugs in isolation from the main codebase. It also lets you experiment with crazy ideas without worrying how they might affect your main project.
Git can be easily integrated with other SCM tools like SVN or CVS as well as bug tracking systems like JIRA by using Git hooks on the server-side.
Git’s branching model is very convenient for product development where you may have several versions of the same product running in different environments (production, UAT, staging and QA) at the same time.