How to exit a program in python? Outline all the ways that you can implement and use an exit function.

How can you exit your program? Well, there are a few ways. One way is to use the sys module and use its exit function, like this:

import sys


Another way is to raise an exception, using the keyword raise. This is another way to exit a program abruptly.

raise SystemExit

Or you can use the quit statement like this:


This will exit your program as well. All of those work fine. But what if you want to do something before exiting? Then you can create a function like this one:

def goodbye():

print(“You are now exiting!”)


One more thing: you can use the keyword pass in Python, and it essentially means that nothing happens when you run that code block at all. That’s useful if you want to start writing something and then fill it in later on with some actual code, but for now you just want to get the syntax right or something like that. For example:

def cool_function():


There are many ways to exit a program in python. The simplest way is to use the exit() function. This can be used with either the Python Interpreter or through the command line. The exit() function takes an optional argument, typically an integer, that gives an exit status.

If you do not provide any input argument then it simply terminates all of your programs by closing your windows.

Another method is using the os._exit(0) function instead of sys.exit(). This function is similar to the standard C function exit(3), i.e., it terminates the current process and returns an exit status.

You can also terminate your program by using raise SystemExit(0). This statement raises SystemExit exception with the specified value parameter, which is passed back to the caller as an error code.

There are a bunch of different ways to terminate a Python program. You can raise an exception and catch it outside the program. You can sys.exit(). You can fork off a daemon process (a bad way but it works).

You can “exec” another program that terminates the script (this is what web servers do if they’re written in Python). Or, on Unix at least, you can os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL) to kill yourself with a signal.

If none of this is good enough, you could just go out of scope. When all references to the program go away, Python’s garbage collector will deallocate it and its interpreter will terminate (this is what happens when you exit the interactive interpreter, for example).

The ways to exit is as follows:

1. import os; os._exit(0)

2. raise SystemExit(“It’s just a test”)

3. sys.exit(“It’s just a test”)

4. quit()

5. exit()


First, we’ll cover the sys.exit() function and how to use it to exit a Python program with an error code.

Next, we’ll see how to exit a command-line program with a different exit code based on the input or state at the end of the script.

Then, we’ll look at using the os._exit() function to exit from a Python script without calling cleanup handlers, flushing stdio buffers, etc.

Finally, we’ll discuss the atexit module and how to register exit handlers for your Python programs.


import sys

def exit():

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