How To Make Your Business Cards Stand Out

How To Make Your Business Cards Stand Out: a blog on how to make your business card stand out.

How To Make Your Business Cards Stand Out: a blog on how to make your business card stand out.

How To Make Your Business Cards Stand Out

For many people, their business card is the one thing that they hand out to people that represents who they are and what they do. If you want to make sure that your business card stands out from the crowd, there are several things that you can do.

1) Use a Unique Size for Your Business Card

One of the most effective ways to make your business card stand out from the crowd is to use an unusual size for your business card. The most popular size for business cards is 2″ x 3 1/2″, but if you use a smaller or larger size, it will help your card look different from other cards. Even slightly rounding the corners of your cards can make it stand out from other cards.

2) Use Full Color Printing

Another way to make your business card stand out is to print it in full color instead of just using black ink. You may be able to save money by using just black ink on your business card, but with today’s technology, full color printing is not much more expensive than black ink printing, so you should splurge on the full color printing so that your card will really stand out.

3) Use Both Sides of Your Business Card

Most people only

How To Make Your Business Cards Stand Out

It’s a well known fact that business cards are an important part of the marketing and branding process. What some people don’t know is exactly how to make them stand out in a crowd.

The first thing you have to do when designing a business card is to take stock of what kind of business you have, and what kind of clientele you’re looking for. For example, if your business is selling shoes, you probably don’t want to hand out business cards that look like they’re for a computer repair shop. Likewise, if you’re looking to sell computer repair services, it probably isn’t good idea to use a business card that looks like it’s from a shoe store. You see where I’m going with this.

Your next step is find a design that fits the “mood” of your business. If you run an electronics store, you’d want to use bold colors and graphics to draw attention to your product. If you’re a real estate agent, you’d want something more subdued and traditional. Once again, the most important thing here is keeping with your theme and color scheme.

How to Make Your Business Card Stand Out

If you’re a freelancer or work in sales, you’ve probably been asked, “Do you have a business card?” more times than you can count. While it may seem like just another piece of paper with your name and contact information on it, your business card can be so much more—if you design it right.

Get Creative

When someone hands you their business card, what do you do with it? Most people take one look and either file it away or throw it out. If the information isn’t readily available, they toss it. Sure, everyone has their preferred way to save contact information—whether that’s on your computer, in a mobile app or in the pages of an old-fashioned address book—but if you want to make sure yours is remembered and not lost in a stack of other cards, get creative!

Be Memorable

Your design is only part of how you make your business card memorable. The way you share your card also matters. A memorable exchange sets your business apart from the competition. Share more than just the information on your card; give them a reason to remember why they need to take action after they’ve met you. That

People hand out their business cards everywhere. But how many of those people stand out in your head? How many did you keep? Why? Did the business cards have a personal touch? Did they seem to fit the person and what they do? When you meet someone, you are usually only given a few seconds to make an impact. So let’s make sure your cards leave an impression.

Business cards can be ordinary and uninspiring, or memorable and interesting; it all depends on the message you want to impart. Can/should you make your business card funny, cute, silly, or elegant? The answer is yes! You can be as creative as you’d like with your business card design.

They don’t always have to be rigid and boring. However, keep in mind that a professional-looking business card is generally best. Make sure your cards are easy to read and that they contain all the information necessary to contact you. Think about what will help people remember you and what image you want to project of yourself or your company. Also consider how much information people will need when they call you or visit your website, then try not to overdo it on content.

If possible, include a photo of yourself so that people will remember who you are when

You’re a professional, and your business card should reflect it. Even though you’ve chosen to use a QR code, the look and feel of your card should follow industry standards. The font you use is important; if you’re a graphic designer, you can use some funky fonts. But if you work in other industries, keep it simple and professional.

There are many free fonts available online that you can download and install on your computer. Some are even made specifically for business cards. If you don’t want to bother with all that, choose from the standard fonts that come installed on your computer: Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Georgia, or Courier (or something similar). These might be boring for some people but they are great as default fonts for business cards because everyone has them or can get them easily.

A good rule of thumb is to stick to one or two fonts and play around with the size and weight (boldness) of the font to create hierarchy in your text. If nothing else works for you, use different sizes of bold Arial or Helvetica – these are easy to read and they look great! Just don’t go overboard with all caps or ALL BOLD anywhere

Here’s a science project: hire a bunch of people to stand at an intersection and hand out business cards. Some of the cards should have your company’s name and phone number. The others should have the same information, plus a coupon for something free or cheap that you make or sell.

Make sure each person in the experiment hands out about 100 cards per hour for two or three hours. Call everyone who takes one of the cards with coupons, and ask if they would be interested in buying anything else from you.

Don’t forget to call the control group too, those who got just your name and phone number. Record how many of them are interested in buying something.

You don’t need to hire any researchers to get this data, because it has already been collected by every company offering free samples in supermarkets. The results are consistent enough that we can safely say that if you offer a small discount on a product (10% off), you’ll get twice as many customers as if you don’t (2% vs 1%).

This is why supermarkets always have samples. It’s not just because people like free food (though they do). It’s also because giving out samples is a really effective way to find new customers. They’re literally paying you to find them

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