PLCs (Programmable Logic Controller) have been around for many years, and they are commonly used in industrial applications. Most people are familiar with PLCs because they see them often in manufacturing facilities.
Basically, they consist of a computer processor and a software program that is installed on that processor. The software is programmed by the user to perform various control functions. The processor can be programmed to make the lights go on when someone walks into a room or to turn off when you leave. It can be programmed to open the door when the doorbell rings, or to close it when someone asks you to.
The possibilities are endless because the user is limited only by his imagination. If he is not an industrial engineer, he may want to hire one who will program the system for him. He can use software that is readily available on the internet, but he should make sure that the software will work properly before purchasing it.
This article will discuss how you can use PLCs for your home automation system, as well as what you need to know about them.
Programmable Logic Controllers, also known as PLCs are a type of computer commonly used in commercial and industrial settings. They are small, modular, and flexible and can be programmed to perform various functions.
PLCs are often used in conjunction with computers running SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) software. SCADA systems allow for monitoring, remote control and data collection from remote locations (such as your home).
How does this relate to home automation? Home automation is a growing trend which gives you the ability to control various aspects of your house from anywhere in the world. You can control temperature, lights, security systems and many other things. You can do so via a web interface or your phone.
Since PLCs are programmable they could be used in home automation applications. For example you may want to extend the capabilities of your X10 system by controlling lights based on sensor readings from other parts of your house. Programmable PLCs could be an effective way of doing this.
This is a blog post that I have been wanting to write for quite some time. It will be a long one, but I hope you enjoy it! Many people are now getting into home automation and looking to control their lights, appliances, heating/cooling, etc.
The most common way people go about doing this today is using a microcontroller (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc). However, there are many instances where it would be advantageous to use a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) instead of a microcontroller.
What is a PLC?
This is an image of the inside of an Allen Bradley MicroLogix 1000 PLC which has been open sinece 2005 and still works great!
PLCs have been around since the late 1960s and were designed to replace relay logic systems. Relay logic was the de facto way of controlling machines and processes for decades until the development of solid state electronics ushered in the PLC. Nowadays we tend to think of PLCs as being used almost exclusively in factory automation, but they make excellent devices for home automation applications as well. This article will give an overview of how PLCs work and how they can be used in your project!
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are the workhorse of the automation industry. They are very versatile and are used in many applications. PLCs can be used to control a variety of simple and complex automation tasks. It is also possible to use a PLC to control a home automation system.
Any device that can be automated, such as lights, appliances, gates and locks can be controlled by a programmable logic controller. The only limiting factor is how much money you want to spend on the system. PLC systems can range from being relatively inexpensive to costing tens of thousands of dollars depending on the size and complexity of the system.
A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is an industrial computer used to monitor inputs, and depending upon their state make decisions based on its program or sequence of instructions (program). A PLC monitors inputs and makes decisions based upon a custom program to control outputs that effect some type of output device such as lights, relays, motors, pumps etc.
The PLC was invented in 1968 by Dick Morley. His original invention is credited with being the first true industrial programmable logic controller (PLC). In these early years there were several different types of early computers used for automation in manufacturing plants. Some
A PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) is an industrial computer used to monitor inputs, and depending upon their state make decisions based on its program or logic, to control (turn on/off) its outputs to automate a machine or a process.
The first PLC was invented in the late 1960s by Engineer Modicon, as a relay replacement for the GM Hydra-Matic Plant. The main reason was because they were looking for something more reliable, flexible and easily modifiable. Since then the PLC has become a standard tool in many industrial applications due to its ease of use, reliability and flexibility.
PLCs are also known as Industrial Computers because of their ability to perform logic operations and store information in their memory. And actually there is not much difference between an industrial computer and a general purpose computer from a hardware standpoint.
A PLC is composed of several input/output points where you connect sensors and actuators such as switches, pushbuttons, relays, etc. All inputs are monitored continuously by the CPU (central processing unit) which executes the user program stored in memory. The program is written using an IEC61131-3 compliant programming language like Ladder Diagram (LD), Function Block Diagram (FBD
Programmable Logic Controllers, also known as PLCs, are a type of computer commonly used in commercial and industrial control systems. They were invented to replace the necessary sequential relay circuits for process control. While their function is similar to other computers, PLCs differ from general-purpose computers because they are designed for multiple inputs and output arrangements, extended temperature ranges, immunity to electrical noise, and resistance to vibration and impact.
When PLCs were first introduced into the factory environment, they were expensive compared to relay control panels. Since then, they have become smaller and less expensive while offering more functionality and reliability than traditional relay panels. Nowadays, there is no reason not to use them in any automation project where cost isn’t prohibitive.
Before you begin to program your PLC, you will first need to know how to wire the PLC. It is important that you are comfortable with this before moving on.
For your first PLC you will only be using a few components including:
A 24VDC power supply
An input and output module
A processor module
A programming cable for your computer
A computer running a PLC programming software (the RSLogix 500 from Rockwell Automation)