The Presentation of Animated Code Elements

The Presentation of Animated Code Elements

A blog about creating fancy code animations and placement.


Welcome to the honeycode blog. This is where I share my experience with code elements such as canvas, text and images. The content may also include CSS & CSS3 elements as well. You can find all the posts here or use the search bar to find whatever you’re looking for.

The goal is to help you create better and more interactive experiences for your visitors by creating some sort of motion in your projects. The motion itself can be created through the use of HTML Canvas, JavaScript, CSS animations and more. Have fun exploring!

The blog posts below show the presentation of animated code elements. The idea behind this is to create fancy code animations and placement for your website. This is done by using HTML, CSS, SVG and Javascript.

The first blog post shows a technique to place an animated element on the edge of a line. This is done by using CSS variables and a variety of different techniques to achieve the desired effect.

A technique to display animated code elements with a floating effect based on writing-mode is shown in the second blog post. The floating effect can be achieved by having rotated text around an element. This can be done by using the writing-mode property with its vertical-lr value.

The third blog post shows how to create an animated bending effect with a shadow. The animation uses SVG paths to create its bending effect and CSS variables to update its values.

The fourth blog post shows how you can create a simple typewriter animation by using Javascript and CSS variables for updating the values of an animation property during runtime.

The fifth blog post shows how you can use CSS filters for creating blurring effects for your animated code elements that are created with SVGs.

The sixth blog post demonstrates how you can use SVG masks for creating some interesting effects for your code elements like animations

In a series of blog posts, I will explore how to create fancy code elements and place them into animated scenes. The focus will be on the usage of various code languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery and SVG.

After a short introduction into the general principles of code animation, I will show you how to create codelike elements using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Then I will combine these building blocks to create different kinds of animated scenes which can contain multiple elements.

This blog is about the animation of code elements. I am a programmer that loves to play with javascript, css and html. I like to show code on my website in a fancy way. If you want to see some examples, just go over to my projects page.

I will post information about how to create animations and other stuff in here.

For years my blog posts have been filled with static images of code elements. This is becoming a thing of the past as web browsers are evolving and becoming more compatible with CSS3. The CSS3 spec has been around for a few years now and has been slowly making it’s way into every web browser, albeit at a slow pace.

The only modern browser that doesn’t support all the required CSS3 properties is Internet Explorer 8, but in my opinion, that’s not such a big deal. IE8 only has about 5% market share and is starting to lose traction even though it’s only 2 years old.

Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) will be released soon and it supports all the required CSS3 properties for animated code blocks. So far, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and IE9 are all capable of rendering animated code blocks exactly the same way.

I want to get into some of the basics on how to create these animated code blocks and how they work. I’ll also show you how to create your own!

How to display text (or code) while animating other elements

How to display large blocks of code in a simple manner

How to animate specific code lines

How to create fancy animations 🙂

How can animated code snipets be used in software development? I’m just curious.

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