What Newbies Should Know Before Learning Python

I’ve been learning a lot of different languages and I want to share my experience with Python, my favorite language so far.

Python is great for beginners, but there are several things that newbies should know before learning the language.

There are two versions of Python: Python 2 and Python 3.

Right now there are roughly equal numbers of people using both versions. You can get work done in either version, but eventually you will have to learn Python 3 because support for Python 2 is ending soon.

Python is a programming language that is wildly popular among developers. Python has several features that make it great for beginners and pros alike. The community has really taken off in the last five years and created some amazing projects. However, there are things you should know before learning Python to make it easier on your journey and help you get up to speed faster.

Python is an interpreted language. This means that as a developer you write Python (.py) files in a text editor and then put those files into the python interpreter to be executed. The results are then shown to you in the interpreter.

Python is dynamically typed which means that you don’t need to state the types of variables when you declare them or anything like that. You can do things like x=111 and then x=”I’m a string” without error

Python uses whitespace (tabs or spaces) to compose code into logical blocks instead of using curly-brackets {} or keywords like begin end in other languages like C or Pascal. If you’re familiar with other languages this can take some time getting used to but after a while it will feel quite natural.

Some people say that Python is slow compared to other programming languages. This can be true, but often it’s not important because there are ways

I am taking a python course and this article is really helpful. I am a newbie in programming but I think I can give some suggestions to newbies like me who want to learn python.

First, don’t just follow the syllabus. Learn about the history of python and also it’s creator, how was it created and why did he create this language. It’s interesting right? Python is one of the best language out there but you need to know its weaknesses as well.

Second, take advantage of free resources such as freecodecamp, youtube videos, MOOCs (massive open online courses) and blogs. It’s free so why not use it? There are more free resources than paid ones so use them!

Last but not the least, don’t get stuck at one tutorial/course or even in one exercise/lesson. If you get stuck, that means you’re learning so keep moving forward! But if you don’t understand a concept or an exercise, just google it or look for other tutorials or ask questions on forums like stackoverflow.

1. Python is really easy to learn.

Python is one of the easiest languages to learn and use, while at the same time being very powerful: It is one of the most used languages by highly productive professional programmers. Chances are you can do what you want with python.

2. Python is high level and general purpose.

Python is a high-level language, which means English like syntax, so it is easier to understand.

3. There are multiple ways to accomplish something in Python.

One of the things I love about Python is how many different ways there are to accomplish something, especially when compared to other programming languages like javascript and PHP (and even Java).

4. You should have a good text editor before you begin learning Python.

Learning how to code isn’t just about learning the language itself; it’s also about knowing what tools are available for working with it! For example, if you plan on doing web development with python then make sure you know how that works first.

5. All programming languages share common concepts that you need to understand before diving into specifics such as syntax or variable types (for example). This includes things like loops, data structures like arrays or objects, functions etcetera – these things might seem obvious

Most Python beginners have no idea what they should know before learning Python.

Most of the time, I see newbies struggle with Python because they have no idea how to learn python. One of the things I notice is that they often forget to start from the basics and jump right into advanced concepts.

As you might be aware, learning a programming language without learning the basics is not a very good idea. You need to first gain mastery over the basics before jumping into the advanced topics.

In this article, I will be listing down some of the most important concepts that you should know before you start learning Python coding. If you are new to programming, then this article is for you.

1) What is Programming?

First things first, let’s talk about what programming means and what role does it play in our lives today.

Programming is basically telling a computer what to do and how to do it by writing some code in a high-level programming language like C, C++, Java, Python etc. Computers can’t understand human languages like English or Hindi; hence we need to first convert our instructions into some code that computers can understand. This job is done by programmers who write code for various programs such as games, web browsers etc.

Python is one of the simplest programming languages to learn, which is why it’s often the first one introduced to people new to coding.

Python is a general-purpose language that can be used on any modern computer operating system. It can be used for processing text, numbers, images, scientific data and just about anything else you might save on a computer. It’s often used as a “scripting language” for web applications. This means that it can automate specific series of tasks, making it more efficient. Consequently, Python (and languages like it) is often used in software applications, pages within a web browser, the shells of operating systems and some games.

Programming languages are basically just sets of instructions that tell a computer what to do step by step. However, they don’t do anything on their own: they have to be given specific instructions to work with, which are written in “code.”

These instructions tell the computer how to perform a task by manipulating data. In order for programmers to write code more easily, programming languages use syntaxes (a set of rules for how the code should be written). These syntaxes are like grammar rules for writing code instead of sentences.

Python is a popular, powerful, and versatile programming language; however, concurrency and parallelism in Python often seems to be a matter of debate.

Python has been around for quite some time now and is one of the most popular programming languages out there. The reason for that popularity is its versatility. Python is used for web development, machine learning, data science, software development and scripting.

However, Python isn’t the best tool for every job. There are plenty of reasons why Python isn’t the language of choice for every project. For example, speed or lack thereof is often mentioned as a major drawback. However, in this article we are not going to discuss that aspect. The focus will be on what some people think is another big disadvantage: concurrency and parallelism in Python.


Before exploring arguments against Python concurrency and parallelism let’s take a look at what makes it so difficult to implement them in the first place. In order to understand that we need to look at the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL).

The GIL is something that was added to CPython (the standard implementation of Python) in 1991 by Jim Hugunin. This lock was introduced because making a thread switch in C required releasing the lock which

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