Why Python Is The New Java?
The programming community is divided into one hell of war. There are two languages that are competing to occupy the top position. Python and Java are the languages that are fighting to reach the top position.
Both the languages have their own pros and cons. But if you ask me which language is going to be the future of programming, I would say it has to be Python for sure! Why Python is at the top position and why people love it so much? Let’s explore in this blog post!
There are programmers who have been working with Java for years and they will never switch to Python ever. Similarly, there are programmers who will stay with Python no matter what! What is special about both these languages that make them so popular? Let’s find out in this blog post!
Before we start comparing both these languages let me tell you why Java is NOT a bad language. Java is actually a really good language, but due to its certain flaws, it remains behind Python in terms of popularity. And those flaws can be easily identified by comparing both these languages together. So let’s begin with our comparison!!
In the past, I’ve written about why Python is a great language for beginners and why it’s a good choice as a language to learn first. In this post I want to dig a little deeper into why Python is such a great choice for more experienced developers as well.
Here are some reasons:
Python is a high level language. Almost everything you need to do in your code will be done with one or two functions from the standard library or from the ever growing collection of third party packages available on PyPI. You don’t need to know how your computer works, you can just get stuff done.
It’s an interpreted language that runs everywhere. With tools like pyenv and virtualenv, you can have full control over what version of Python you use and the ability to run different versions on different projects.
It has automatic memory management (garbage collection). And there’s no need to declare types! But even though it automatically handles memory management, it’s still blazing fast as it’s compiled during runtime.
Java is the king of the hill in enterprise programming. But for how long? While I’m not much of an expert on Java, I can put together a list of reasons why developers like Python better.
1. whitespace. If you are writing a computer program and you miss a comma, or if your indentation is off by one space, it won’t compile. And if it doesn’t compile, you aren’t getting any work done. Java has been known to be quite strict about syntax correctness. Python is far more forgiving and will try to interpret whatever you have written even if it isn’t perfect.
2. high level language. Python is a very high level language that is much closer to English than Java is. Programs written in Python are typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java programs. This means fewer bugs and less time spent on maintenance and debugging when compared to Java’s verbose codebase.
3. interpreted language. This means that there is no compilation step between writing your program and running it which allows for faster development cycles as you don’t have to wait for your program to compile each time you make a change to it before running it again – just save your file, switch back to your terminal window, and hit up arrow followed by
Writing programs in Java is like cooking with a hammer. Python is a high level programming language which has been created by Guido Van Rossum. It can be used to develop applications for web, data science, AI and scientific computing. Python is a cross-platform language that can be compiled to byte-code. It can be easily integrated with C/C++ or .NET components.
In this post I have tried to point out some of the advantages of using python over java. Python is widely used by some of the biggest tech companies like Google, Facebook, Dropbox etc as one of their primary language for development.
Interpreted Language:
Python is an interpreted language i.e it doesn’t need to be compiled before running it unlike Java which needs to be compiled first before running it. You just write code in any editor and run it from terminal or command prompt. This makes python great for prototyping or developing small scripts or applications.
There’s a growing demand for Python developers these days. This is an exciting time as we can see how technology evolves and how it is shaping our lives.
One of the arguments that frequently pops up in programming circles is which programming language should one learn or use to build what they want?
In this article, I will try to discuss some of the common myths related to programming languages and where Python stands with respect to the other popular languages like JavaScript and Java.
One of the things that usually happens when we start learning a new language is that we compare it with our current knowledge or what we learned previously. In my case, when I first started learning Python, I used to compare it with Java (which was my previous language).
Let’s look at some of the common myths that come up during this discussion:
Python is a high level open source scripting language. It is object-oriented, imperative and functional programming language. It is a very famous programming language because it is having many libraries which make the programmer task simple. Python has many applications in artificial intelligence, natural language processing, neural networks and other advanced fields of computer science. It is also a very good option for web programming as it can be easily integrated with web services like Django etc.
Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language similar to PERL or Ruby. It includes modules, classes, exceptions, very high level dynamic data types and dynamic typing. Python combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. It has interfaces to many system calls and libraries, as well as to various window systems and supports an extension-based module mechanism which provides access to Java or C++ objects directly from the Python interpreter.
Python runtime can be embedded into existing applications to provide scripting capabilities to them. If you need to do some quick-and-dirty processing of text files or system management tasks, this could be the right choice for you.
“The Java platform is well suited for enterprise development. It has been used to build robust, scalable, secure and portable enterprise applications that can be deployed almost anywhere. The platform provides various ways of deploying enterprise applications. Java EE web profile is a new standard that defines a lightweight profile of Java EE…