Category: AskMeCode

  • Benefits Of Adding a GPU To Your Website Server

    Websites in today’s modern era are complex and powerful beasts. They are far more than just a collection of HTML files. They often act as the front end to powerful web applications, databases and APIs. So what do you do if your website needs more power? Traditionally you would add an additional CPU to your…

  • Introducing the New Conda Distribution for Python

    We are pleased to announce the release of a new conda distribution for Python. This is a command line tool for installing and updating Python packages, and is intended to be an improvement over pip and easy_install, with better dependency resolution and simpler installation of binary extensions. conda is open source, so you can inspect…

  • The 7 Deadly Sins of Software Testing A blog about software testing. https

    The 7 Deadly Sins of Software Testing: A blog about software testing. No one is perfect, and neither is any software. It has been a long journey for many companies to embrace software testing as part of the development cycle, because developers are not the only ones who find it hard to admit mistakes.…

  • The Basic Differences Between C

    The Basic Differences Between C and Visual Basic One of the most frequent questions asked by programmers considering a move from Visual Basic to C A tutorial on the fundamental differences between C++ and Visual Basic programming, including a description of basic code elements. Visual Basic is a component-based programming language, whereas C++ is an…

  • How To Teach Yourself Coding

    I have been coding for over 20 odd years and I have always wanted to distill that knowledge into a format that others can learn from. Coding is such an important skill in today’s world, and it is not difficult or impossible to learn. I had begun working on my own version of the Khan…

  • How to exit a program in python? Outline all the ways that you can implement and use an exit function.

    How can you exit your program? Well, there are a few ways. One way is to use the sys module and use its exit function, like this: import sys sys.exit() Another way is to raise an exception, using the keyword raise. This is another way to exit a program abruptly. raise SystemExit Or you can…

  • Image Compression Algorithm The Basics

    Lossy Image Compression: DCT In the last few blog posts, I introduced a new image compression algorithm. This algorithm uses a modified version of the discrete cosine transform (DCT). The basic idea behind this algorithm is to group pixels into 8×8 blocks, and then use the DCT to convert each block into 64 frequency coefficients.…

  • 11 Effective JavaScript debugging tools

    JavaScript is an amazing language. It’s extremely powerful, and it makes the web what it is today. But without the right tooling, it can be challenging to use. If you’re looking for JavaScript debugging tools, look no further! There are plenty of great tools out there that can help you debug your problems — whether…

  • How To Make Your Business Cards Stand Out

    How To Make Your Business Cards Stand Out: a blog on how to make your business card stand out. How To Make Your Business Cards Stand Out: a blog on how to make your business card stand out. How To Make Your Business Cards Stand Out For many people, their business card is the one…

  • 5 Key Features of VS Code, the Official Microsoft Editor for Linux

    I hadn’t used the official Microsoft editor for a long time, but with the new release of Visual Studio Code (VS Code), I thought it was a good idea to revisit it. For those who don’t know, VS code is a source code editor, so it’s different from Visual Studio. The latter has a lot…