Category: AskMeCode

  • Types of Coding

    This is a list of all the different types of coding and what they are used for. Programming languages are used to control the behavior of a machine (often a computer). They can be used to create programs to control the behavior of a machine or to express algorithms. The earliest programming languages predate the…

  • Blockchain Helps Decentralize Web Payments for Merchants

    The web is a giant, decentralized system for sharing information, but it has no standard way to handle money. Some companies want to change that by using the technology known as blockchain to make payments on the web easier and safer. For now, most websites still rely on online payment services like PayPal or Stripe.…

  • What is unminify css? A blog about the css minification service offered by Unminify.

    What is unminify css? is a service that will, well, unminify your CSS. Have you ever found yourself wanting to modify a CSS file only to find that it was minified? If so, this site is for you! Just paste the minified CSS file into the text box on the home page, click the…

  • Create a Dummy Project using Python

    Have you ever started a project only to abandon it? Then, when you look at it later, you realize that you don’t remember much about the project or how it was built. It’s like looking at a foreign language. This is a problem I have faced many times. I am currently taking the freeCodeCamp Python…

  • How To Merge 2 Branches (Step by Step) Git Tutorial

    ![]( In this Git tutorial we will talk about how to merge two branches. We will discuss what merging is, the different types of merge that are possible and the steps you need to take in order to merge your branches in Git. After reading this tutorial you should be able to: • Understand what…

  • What the GSOC 2021 Digital Assistant can do for your Business

    What the GSOC 2021 Digital Assistant can do for your Business: a blog about the benefits of utilizing a voice assistant and how a business can utilize the gsoc 2021 digital assistant. The GSOC 2021 Digital Assistant is designed to make your life easier as well as make your business more efficient. It is a…

  • What Are Front-End, Back-End And Full Stack Developers? A blog about different types of developers and what they’re good at.

    With the recent interest in technology and the tech industry, many people have been asking me what a “front-end”, “back-end” and “full stack” developer are. In this article, I will be defining what each of those roles are, how they’re different from one another, and why it matters. Front-End Developers Front-end developers deal with what…

  • Are You a Legacy Code Developer? The 4 SIGs of Refactoring

    Are You a Legacy Code Developer? This is a question that I’ve asked myself many times over the years, and it’s one of the reasons that I wrote Working Effectively with Legacy Code. Everyone has a different definition of what “Legacy Code” means. For me, legacy code is simply code without tests. When you need…

  • Is Legacy Code Good or Bad? The Decision That Only You Can Make

    What is legacy code? Legacy code is the code you inherit when you take over a project, for example by taking over a team. It is probably poorly documented and tested. The term could also be applied to your own code from three years ago. But when we call it legacy we are usually implying…

  • PHPB New Feature Command Line Interface

    PHPB 1.0.2 is released, and it has a new feature: Command Line Interface, yep, you can use PHPB to beautify your php code from command line now! Here are some examples: phpb -i test.php -o test_output.php I’ve finally added a Command Line Interface (CLI) to PHPB. You can use it as a stand-alone script. It’s…