The web has become a very powerful medium in recent years. The arrival of HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript has opened up a whole new range of possibilities for how websites and web applications can be built. One piece of technology that is often overlooked however, is PrismJS.
PrismJS is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind. It’s used in thousands of websites to beautify code snippets and make them easier to read. In this article I want to look at some real world examples of where PrismJS has been used effectively, and how it might be useful for your own projects.
Real World Applications of PrismJS
The following list contains 5 real world examples of websites using PrismJS effectively: (insert a list of 5 applications here)
5 Real World Applications of PrismJS:
Prism is a powerful lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter. It was built from scratch to leverage the latest web technologies.
Prism’s success has been in widing usage and adoption by many websites and developers.
It has been used on the following five websites.
1. css-tricks
2. codepen
3. jekyllrb
4. yelp engineering blog
5. reddit
PrismJS is a simple, lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter. It has a great community of developers who are constantly adding new languages and improving the existing ones. Not only is it free and open-source, but the source code is also available on GitHub. The community is full of smart and helpful people.
PrismJS was created in 2012 by Lea Verou. She wanted to create something that would be easy for designers to use and for developers to customize. And thus, it became one of the most popular syntax highlighters with over 14 million downloads per month!
The main idea behind PrismJS is to bring together all the best features from other syntax highlighters into one simple library. This is why you’ll find some similarities between Prism’s functionality and that of other highlighters like Rainbow or CodeMirror. For example, they both have line numbers but only PrismJS supports line highlighting!
One of Prism’s unique features is its ability to highlight code inside your browser without needing any external dependencies like jQuery or MooTools. This makes it possible for you to use Prism anywhere without having those libraries loaded first!
Prism is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind. It’s used in thousands of websites, including some of those you visit daily.
We’re going to look at five real world examples of how Prism.js is used in the wild and hopefully inspire you to start using Prism on your own site as well. So let’s get started!
1. PrismJS is a lightweight syntax highlighter written in JavaScript. It is intended for use with code snippets on blogs and websites, but can also be used to format source code for display on the desktop. The aim is to make simple syntax easy to read, while also allowing advanced syntax without becoming overwhelming or confusing. PrismJS can be used to highlight any language, including CSS, PHP and Markup.
2. PrismJS is one of the most popular syntax highlighters on GitHub and Stack Overflow and has received more than 50K stars overall. The project was started by Lea Verou and it’s now maintained by a small core team of developers, with help from many contributors.
3. PrismJS comes with support for over 100 languages including C
Prism is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind.
It’s used in thousands of websites, including some of those you visit daily.
Prism is an open source project hosted on GitHub. It’s available under the MIT license.
Prism comes with a bunch of plugins to extend its functionalities. It also has tons of themes to make your code look beautiful.
If you are looking for a clean and simple solution to display your code snippets on the web Prism should be on top of your list.