Ansible for Linux Admins

Of course, if you have to run a Windows laptop, you can still use the same tools, but only by running them under a Linux VM.

Another alternative is to use Ansible Tower which is an enterprise product. While it has more bells and whistles than the open source version it also allows you to do more complicated things like push jobs by email or even Slack.

This blog is about how you can use ansible for linux services.

As I mentioned in my previous article, when it comes to automation, there are a lot of tools that you can use. It’s an opinionated view, but I tend to see Ansible as the perfect choice for Linux Admins that want to start with automation since they already know how to install and configure servers. This means that they already know most of the concepts that Ansible uses such as tasks, roles, templates and variables.

So, if you are a Linux Admin and want to learn a new tool that will help you automate your infrastructure, take a look at my Ansible for Linux Admins series.

What you will learn

In this series, I’ll cover everything related to Ansible and how to use it in a real life environment. You’ll learn what Ansible is used for, how it works and some commands/modules you can use in order to automate tasks that would otherwise be tedious or repetitive.

This article is part of the “Ansible for Linux Admins” series.

Ansible for Linux Admins


Ansible is an automation tool that can be used to configure systems, deploy software, and perform rolling updates. This tutorial will walk you through the process of creating a simple User Account Registration and Login example with Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, HSQL, JSP and Bootstrap. If you are looking for a full CRUD integration of RESTful APIs and web app using Spring Boot and Vue.js, please check out our below tutorial:

Complete Vue.js CRUD Application with Spring Boot (Part 1)

Complete Vue.js CRUD Application with Spring Boot (Part 2)

Tutorial Overview

In this tutorial we will be developing a Full Stack Application using Angular 7 as Frontend and Spring Boot as Backend. The application will contain a simple login system using an email address for each specific user. After successful login, a welcome page will be shown to the user along with his/her name on it. We will also look into necessary configurations needed to deploy the application in production environment. The development environment and the deployment mechanism leverage Docker containers. For this purpose we use Docker Compose to build the services. The application will have a

1. Install Ansible on CentOS 7

Ansible installation is quite simple and straight forward, but you still need to configure it to work with all servers. In this article we will explain how to install and configure Ansible on our CentOS 7 server.

1.1. Setup a basic inventory file

First, we should create an inventory file for Ansible. It will contain the list of servers, where we want to run our tasks.

[web] ansible_ssh_port=22 ansible_ssh_user=vagrant ansible_ssh_pass=vagrant

Now we can test that everything works properly by running the ping module:

ansible all -m ping –inventory-file=/etc/ansible/hosts

This will ping all hosts listed in the inventory file and output something like this:

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