Are Pandas the Secret to World Peace According to the Ancient Chinese I Ching?
This is a blog about pandas.
It’s about pandas, but also about peace. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re trying to solve a problem, and you just can’t figure it out? Maybe you’re at work and your boss asks you to do something that seems impossible, or maybe you’re just having trouble getting through the day and you don’t know why.
If that’s ever happened to you, then this blog is for you, because the solution is pandas. Yes, those cute chubby bears from China! Specifically, we’ll be using the ancient Chinese text known as the I Ching to find out how this creature can help solve all of our problems. Here’s what we’ll look at: What exactly is an “I Ching”?
In the ancient Chinese text I Ching, there are 64 hexagrams that represent all possible situations. Though it is not a book about how to make pandas, it has been used for centuries in China to help with decision-making. This idea is not lost on the World Wildlife Fund, who have even created a pandagram (see below).
The question of whether or not Pandas are the secret to world peace was answered by the World Wildlife Fund in 2012 when they created a giant panda made out of 1,600 pounds of bamboo. The result was a peace sign. This begs the question: Are Pandas the Secret to World Peace According to the Ancient Chinese I Ching?
In this paper, we will examine the historical background of pandas and how they may be used as an instrument for world peace according to the I Ching. We will also look at other ways that pandas might be used as symbols of harmony between nations or even within ourselves.
Yes, the I Ching. The ancient Chinese oracle that is consulted by asking it a question, then tossing down a bunch of coins.
Yes, pandas. The black-and-white bear that is now the de facto mascot of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the United Nations (UN) and many other international organizations.
Yes, peace. As in world peace.
However, this question is not as ridiculous as it first sounds. There are some very strong links between pandas and peace according to the I Ching. It’s true!
First off, let’s start with what we know about pandas from our observations of them in the wild. We know they live in bamboo forests and eat bamboo shoots and leaves. We also know that pandas are generally solitary creatures who don’t really like other bears very much and prefer to live far away from them.
We also know that pandas have been around for millions of years—they were here long before there was any war or conflict on earth—so they must be doing something right!
And finally, we know that their numbers have been dwindling over time due to habitat loss caused by humans destroying forests for logging or farming purposes…
If you’ve ever been to a Chinese buffet and seen the children petting the pandas, you may have wondered: is the ability to reduce children to emotional wrecks by appealing to their sense of animal cuteness really the secret to world peace?
If so, how do pandas do it? The answer lies in China’s ancient oracle, I Ching. There are two main paths to determining what I Ching says about any topic. You can read it directly (which requires a long history of study and practice) or you can throw coins (which requires $4.99). Here we will take the latter approach.
Consulting I Ching on Pandas
The ancient Chinese method for consulting I Ching is to throw three coins six times. Each coin has two possible values, so each throw has eight possible outcomes, yielding 64 hexagrams. Coincidentally, there are 64 hexagrams in I Ching itself. How did they know!?
We will use Python’s numpy and pandas functions for throwing coins rather than purchasing an actual copy of I Ching from, which is currently out of stock anyway.
Every once in a while, I get into this deep discussion with my friends about how much the world needs pandas. It’s a blog that I’ve been writing for years, and one that has completely changed my life.
The first time I read the I Ching, I was in college, and I was really excited about it because it was so new to me. But then I read the part about how the ancient Chinese used it to find peace on earth, and that’s when I decided to start my blog.
Today, there are more than 300 million people who use the internet every day, and they all have one thing in common: they want to know if pandas can help them find peace on earth. They’re looking for answers to questions like: How do we make peace with our enemies? How can we live in harmony with others? And how can we make our lives more peaceful?
I’m here to tell you that if you want to find peace on earth, then you need to go out and get a panda.
One of the first and most important things I learned about Pandas when I started working with them was the .isin() method. This method allows you to search for any values in a given set of values in a Pandas series, and it returns a boolean mask of the results.
For example: