CMU Codes is a space for Coding Solutions for Web Developers.
Created by a CMU student for CMU students, our goal is to provide a space where you can learn whatever you want to learn.
Come to the Code Studio at The Garage and find out what we are all about. We are excited to see you there!
CMU Codes is a web development blog founded in March of 2014, by Andrew He and Stanley Zhang. Our mission is to give web developers the best coding tips and solutions that they can use in their everyday projects.
CMU Codes is a website dedicated to providing useful coding tips and the best solutions for web development. This site will help you fix anything from Javascript problems to HTML issues and beyond.
CMU Codes provides the latest knowledge about web development and programming languages including Java, PHP, Ruby, Python, C++, C
There is a huge demand for web developers in the market. However, before you begin your career as a web developer, you need to make yourself familiar with the fundamentals of programming and computer sciences. This will give you a strong foundation for your career and help you excel into the industry.
CMU Codes is the one-stop destination for all the aspiring web developers. We offer an extensive range of software development solutions that are not only user-friendly but also efficient. Our team of experienced developers are well acquainted with the latest trends in software development and thus offer solutions that will help you get ahead of your competitors in this cutthroat world.
We bring to you a wide range of solutions ranging from mobile application development to website design and development. We also provide cloud computing services, enterprise solutions and eCommerce solutions for your business needs.
In addition to this, we also provide IT staff augmentation services to our clients including training, consulting and other such services related to improving your business productivity and efficiency. With our vast experience in this field, we have been able to build a highly satisfied clientele that keeps coming back to us whenever they need software development solutions or any other IT related solutions.
CMU Codes is a collection of solutions to common problems in the Software Development process. Our goal is to lower the barriers to entry for developers who want to code for the web.
CMU Codes was created by Carnegie Mellon students, and is maintained and updated by student developers from across the country.
Although we try our best, we can not guarantee that everything here will work 100% of the time. If you find something that doesn’t work, please let us know!
The purpose of this code is to provide solutions to common problems faced by web developers. There are many methods that can be used to make the same result, but these codes aim to find the most efficient and elegant way of solving each coding problem.
This code is written for personal use, and is currently not intended as a shareable resource for others. However, if you have any questions about these codes or have any suggestions for better coding practices, feel free to contact me.
CMU is dedicated to providing the best service possible and we are excited to offer our services on a pay-as-you-go basis. Our rates are $30/hour for development and $20/hour for support. We do not have any additional fees or minimums.
We bill at the end of each month in 15 minute increments. This means that if you receive a full hour of service, you will be billed for the full hour. If you receive an hour and a half of service, you will be billed for 90 minutes.
The following are the solutions to the coding assignments that accompany the CMU lectures.
All solutions are in Python 3. There are also some extra solutions in Perl, which have been adapted to the new style of assignment. I have not included solutions for the first few assignments, which were mostly just exercises in getting familiar with the programming environment and writing simple web applications.
The code is organized into separate directories for each assignment, and within those directories by language. For example, if you look in the hw1 directory, you will see four files: , , , and . The first two contain the solutions to the first homework assignment; one is written in Python and one in Perl. The last two are shell scripts that run some automated tests on those solutions (you can run them yourself to make sure they work).
I have tried to comment the code as much as possible so that it’s easy to follow what’s going on, but I would recommend going through these programs in tandem with watching the video lectures and reading Andrew’s notes.