Does Coding Bootcamp as a Beginner Make Sense? A blog about the pros and cons of learning to code as a beginner.

The idea of attending coding bootcamp can be a little intimidating as a beginner, especially if you know nothing about programming. It’s easy to get caught up on the “I’m not good enough for this” mindset and think you need to learn something first before you go.

But does coding bootcamp as a beginner make sense? Let’s explore the pros and cons!

Should I Learn to Code Before Bootcamp?

There are two major schools of thought here:

Learn to code before going to bootcamp.

Go to bootcamp and learn to code there.

Obviously, there is an argument for each side of the coin. Let’s dive into some of the pros and cons of each point of view.

As a beginner, there are some things you should know before you decide to attend a coding bootcamp. In this video I break down the pros and cons of getting into coding as a beginner and whether or not it makes sense to go to a class or learn online.


-Coding bootcamps can teach you specific technologies and frameworks that you need to know for your job. Some bootcamps will even teach you how to build projects based around the technologies used in real world development. These projects can help give you real world experience that employers look for in potential candidates.

-Coding bootcamps can be very motivating in helping you stay on track with learning to code. The classes have set schedules and there is usually someone who holds you accountable for doing the work. If you are less motivated working alone, then a coding bootcamp might be a good fit for you.

-Some coding bootcamps also offer job placement services once you complete the class. If finding a job after learning how to code is your goal, then this could be a benefit for attending a bootcamp instead of learning on your own.


-Coding bootcamps cost money and can range from $3,000 – $15,000+ depending on

Like with any other skill, learning to code as a beginner is a challenge. In fact, it’s more of the rule than an exception. When you’re just starting out, the learning curve is steep and everything seems to be moving at a breakneck speed.

On one hand, you have a lot of stuff to learn, ranging from basic syntax and computer science theory to design patterns and web development frameworks. On the other hand, there’s a feeling that everyone around you seems to know what’s going on and that everyone but yourself is moving faster.

This can be especially daunting for beginners who want to pursue coding full-time or are considering enrolling in a coding bootcamp. Beginners might feel that they’re not ready yet for such a commitment and are scared of losing the money they’ve invested in their education.

Is coding bootcamp as a beginner worth it? The short answer is yes – if you have the motivation to finish it.

When it comes to learning to code as a beginner, there are many options available. A common question is this: does coding bootcamp make sense for me?

The short answer is yes. But there’s a longer answer that depends on your personal situation. In this post, I’m going to outline some pros and cons of coding bootcamp that will help you decide whether or not it’s the right option for you.

Today, the term “coding bootcamp” has become synonymous with learning to code.

A coding bootcamp is a type of educational program that focuses on teaching computer programming in an intensive manner. The typical time commitment ranges from 2-6 months, with most programs lasting 3 months.

The history of coding bootcamps is legendary. It began with the first bootcamp, DevBootcamp, founded in San Francisco in 2012 by Shereef Bishay and Dave Hoover. Since then, the industry has grown to include more than 150 programs across multiple countries.

In response to this growth, many people have asked me the same question: “Does coding bootcamp make sense for beginners?”

My answer is always, “It depends.”

For the past couple of years, I have been thinking about learning to code. I am a writer and editor by trade, and it seemed like an increasingly necessary skill for my line of work. I liked the idea of being able to build my own website and/or blog. And in general, it seemed like most of the people who were thriving in publishing were those who had some technical savvy.

But I was nervous about what it would take to learn to code. What if it was really difficult? What if I didn’t have the mental chops for it? What if I just couldn’t wrap my brain around it?

I had a lot of preconceived notions about programming and developers, but none of them were based on first-hand experience. So when I attended the launch party for coding bootcamp Thinkful’s New York City office at General Assembly last week, I decided to ask those in attendance what their biggest concerns about learning to code as a beginner were.

The most common response was time: whether they would be able to find enough time in their busy schedules (and lives) to dedicate themselves completely to learning how to code, especially since many required full-time jobs. Some expressed concern that they wouldn’t be able to keep up with the pace of

I get a lot of questions from people who are thinking about learning to code, but are concerned that they don’t have the skills or experience necessary to get started. I’m not a developer by trade so I can’t speak from personal experience on how difficult it is to learn to code later in life, but I know a lot of people who have done it.

In this post, I want to try and answer some of the questions around learning to code as an adult with no prior experience. This is a topic that interests me because I would never have been able to start Coding Ground if I hadn’t first taken up learning to code as a hobby. So here are some things you should consider if you’re thinking about learning to code as an adult.

You can learn coding at any age

I mention this first because it’s one of the silliest excuses for not trying something new. If you’re too old to learn coding, what does that mean exactly? You can still use a computer, right? And it doesn’t matter how old you are when it comes to helping other people with their problems. Some of the best developers I know started coding well into their 30s or 40s.

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