honeycode at Github

honeycode at Github: A blog on github with code samples.

I will be posting a series of articles highlighting all the useful things that can be done using Google Spreadsheets and its Apps Script.

This site contains all the code samples used in the articles, and is made available under the GNU Affero General Public License.

For more details on this license, read this article by Richard Stallman himself.

Honeycode on Github.

A blog on github with code samples.

The core idea behind this blog is the same as that of the idea behind [honeycode](http://www.honeycode.co). The only difference is that, instead of using a custom web app, here we use the github repository’s wiki and issue trackers to host everything.

The content hosted on this blog is to be focused tech articles, with focus on code samples and snippets. The name of the game is simple: write long enough to explain something but small enough to be interesting.

Honeycode is a blog on github with code samples.

I started this blog as a way to keep track of the various things I’ve learned while using the web. At first it was mostly HTML, CSS and JS but now I’m starting to get into other languages like Python and Ruby. The blog is hosted on GitHub Pages which makes it easy for me to write articles and share code.

If you have any questions about anything on here feel free to send me an email.

This blog is written in markdown. You can see how this post is written by clicking on the edit button above or at Github:


If you are interested in writing your own blog using Jekyll and Github, I have made a sample blog you can use to create your own blog. The sample blog includes css files for styling and javascript for features like search, a tag cloud, and pagination. You can find the sample blog here: https://github.com/honeycode/jekyll-blog

On the sample blog, there are instructions on how to try out your own copy of the blog before you make any changes or commit anything to github. This is handy if you haven’t used Jekyll before and want to see what it does without messing up your repository.

Welcome to Honeycode at Github. This is an attempt to make a blog about hacking and code available for public view.

Hacking is fun. It’s the exploration of the world of computers.

Hacking is a way of life. It’s a search for knowledge, not money or power.

Hacking is free speech. It’s the freedom to explore, to tinker, and to share what you’ve learned with others.

Honeycode will be like a typical blog with posts on subjects that I find interesting, as well as announcements of new stuff I’ve written or put online, but with the added benefit that it will be available both in the usual web format and also via git, so that you can fork it and extend it yourself (with attribution).

Honeycode is a blog created by me. It is a collection of all my programming experiments, projects and articles.

I started the blog in April 2020 with the intention of learning more about web development and sharing what I learnt with others. If you are interested in the same things, please feel free to browse through my posts.

The blog uses Jekyll as its base framework, but also makes use of custom PHP scripts that it built on top of Jekyll. A list of my main posts can be found below:

The ultimate goal of Honeycode is to introduce a paradigm shift in the way we write code. The current method is to write code that is executed linearly and then processed in one pass. This limits the performance, efficiency and productivity. I aim to change all that with a new language called Honeycode, which will change the way we code.

The basics of this language are as follows:

* Each line contains a single function call.

* Each function call can contain multiple arguments.

* The arguments, by default, are passed as strings.

* If an argument needs to be passed as an integer, it should be prefixed with ‘i’.

* If an argument needs to be passed as a floating point number, it should be prefixed with ‘f’.

* If an argument needs to be passed as boolean value (true or false), it should be prefixed with ‘b’.

* All arguments are converted into their respective type before being passed to the function.

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