How to Capture and Share the Meaning of your Designs

Figma to HTML is a blog that focuses on translating designs into prototype of website and mobile app. With Figma, you can now capture the meaning behind your design and share it with your team.

The blog started off with how to easily translate Figma designs into HTML, CSS and JavaScript. As it grew popular, we decided to also include other useful tips for designers and developers.

Our content is mostly focused on newbies who want to learn more about Figma to HTML translation but we also have articles for more experienced designers who want to expand their knowledge.

This is a plugin that helps designers to capture and share the meaning of their designs. It helps you save time by generating the HTML and CSS code for you.

You can generate HTML and CSS from your Figma files, which means you can use your Figma design in your website or app. The generated code is based on the styles you define in Figma.

Ah, the age-old question of how to make our designs come to life. We’ve all been there. You sit down at your computer and open up Figma, ready to start turning your designs into a beautiful website or app prototype by coding it by hand.

You get started and it seems like everything is going well: you’re moving fast, you’re writing clean, efficient code, and your markup is spotless. But then you run into an issue—a problem with spacing, background colors, or sizing that doesn’t quite match what you designed.

You spend time tweaking the code but still can’t get the result that matches what you designed in Figma. It continues like this for hours at a time as more and more issues arise, until eventually you give up in frustration.

As a designer, sharing your designs with others is an important part of the design process. Over the years, we’ve seen how different types of sharing—from sketches and wireframes to visual designs—can give us more opportunities to get feedback earlier in the process.

As Figma has evolved, we’ve tried to allow designers to share their work as broadly as possible. At first, our focus was on static images. But as we moved into prototyping, we wanted people to be able to share their designs and prototypes with anyone, no matter what their role or level of commitment. Some of those people would want to use a design file in Figma; others would just want to view it.

Today we’re excited to announce HTML export, a new feature that allows you to convert frames and components from your Figma files into HTML and CSS code that can be viewed in a browser or embedded directly on any website.

Designers and developers need to communicate and collaborate with each other more than ever.

In the past, they would share static images of their designs. But in a world where UI is the product and design is the business strategy, a picture isn’t worth a thousand words anymore. It’s just not enough for designers to show developers what a screen should look like.

That’s why designers are now using tools like Figma to create interactive prototypes that can be shared in real-time with team members. They can then use those prototypes to test their ideas with users before bringing them to production. And when it comes time for development, developers can inspect and extract the design specs from the prototype directly in Figma.

But as we’ve learned from our conversations with designers, this process can still be challenging at times:

Designers often feel like they’re forced to choose between two extremes: sharing an overwhelming amount of information (which slows down development) or not including enough information (which leaves out important context). In either case, they risk slowing down the process of building software by putting too much emphasis on design specs rather than functional specs — or vice versa.

Both teams need more flexibility around how they share

Not long ago I was working on a project with a small team. They used Figma to design and provide the specs to the development team. As they got closer to launch, the client began to make last-minute changes. Some of these changes were small enough that we could push them through the development process without losing much time. But others were more significant and required additional development work.

In an effort to help speed up the process, I volunteered to build out some of the designs as static HTML pages. That way, the development team could see how it would look in code and see if there were any issues with spacing or other layout concerns before we pushed it through the rest of our development process.

The problem though was that Figma made it difficult to get all of the design information out of their tool and into HTML. I had been doing this for years by hand, but my workflow involved opening each page in a browser, manually re-creating everything from scratch, referencing a spec sheet along the way. With this project I wanted something faster and more efficient!

So I created a tool that exports Figma designs as static HTML, CSS and media assets automatically. The process is simple: you install the plugin inside your Figma account and run it on

Figma is a powerful design tool used by designers and developers. It allows us to collaborate together on a design project (think Google Docs but for Design).

A huge advantage of Figma is that it can export code to be used directly in the development process. In this article, I will demonstrate how to export code from Figma and use it in a React environment.

We will be experimenting with the Figma Design-System-React library that incorporates some great principles of Atomic Design into the components we need to build our website’s UI.

We will begin by setting up our React application using create-react-app and installing figma-design-system-react as a dependency. Once that’s done, we’ll be ready to open our Figma file and export some code!

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