How To Make Java Code Look Awesome Within Visual Studio Code

How To Make Java Code Look Awesome Within Visual Studio Code

This is a blog about how you can make your java code look awesome within Visual Studio Code. If you are not already familiar with VSCode, I definitely recommend that you install it. The first thing that we will be focusing on is how to make it look nice.

The first step is to make sure that you have the latest version of Java installed on your computer. You can find the details over at or

I personally like to use JBIntellisense, in order to do that click Preferences: Open User Settings and then click on Extensions, search for jb-intellisense, click install and then restart vscode. This will help with intellisense and make things look more beautiful. I also tend to really like using the Dracula theme for VS Code. It makes any test editor look better!

You can make your code look even more beautiful by using plugins for VSCode, such as TabNine which helps with autocomplete and many other features! Or if you want to pick something super simple but pretty — Monokai Pro is another great option. The choice is yours! Just remember that

Hello and welcome to another blog post of mine. Today I have a topic that is not so much code related, but more about making your code look awesome within Visual Studio Code. I’ve been using Visual Studio Code as my editor of choice for some time now, and I really like the productivity this editor gives me.

In this blog post I will show you how to make your Java code look awesome within Visual Studio Code. But first, why would you use visual studio code instead of say Eclipse? Well, the answer is simple: because it’s great! And also, it has a javapackage built right in by default. This means that you can start writing Java code right away without having to install anything extra.

So let’s get started with our quick tutorial on How To Make Your Java Code Look Awesome Within Visual Studio Code!

By default, Visual Studio Code has some pretty ugly formatting options for Java. In this blog post, I am going to show you how you can make your code look like mine within a few steps.

Step 1: Install the Java Extension Pack

This extension pack includes three extensions that will help us format our code and fix any errors or warnings we have. We can install the extensions by clicking on the Extensions icon on the left-hand side of Visual Studio Code (looks like a square made out of four smaller squares) or by pressing Ctrl + Shift + X. You’ll see a search bar at the top of the Extensions panel, type in Java. The first suggestion you should see is called “Java Extension Pack.” Click “Install” to download and install this extension pack.

Step 2: Install Lombok

In order to get full support for Java language features, we need to install another tool called Lombok. This is an easy step; however, it does require a computer restart once it has been downloaded and installed. Lombok has download links for all operating systems here:

Step 3: Generate VS Code configuration files

Now that we have all the extensions installed, we need to make some configuration changes

When it comes to Java development, a lot of developers like to use the popular IDE Eclipse. Eclipse has been around for a long time and is probably the most used IDE for Java Development. However, other IDEs are starting to catch up to Eclipse and one in particular is Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio Code is now my favourite IDE for Java development. It’s a lightweight code editor with some nice features and a whole load of extensions. Below I’ve created a list of extensions that I feel are essential when it comes to java development within Visual Studio Code:

Java Extension Pack**

This extension pack includes essential extensions that will help you get started with Java in VS Code.

Download Link:**

Lombok Annotation Processor**

This extension supports project lombok annotations for VS Code Java language server and adds support for Lombok specific annotations like @SneakyThrows, @Builder etc.

Download Link:**

Debugger for Java**

This extension

Step 1 – Install the Java Extension Pack

The Java Extension Pack is a collection of popular extensions that can help write, test and debug Java applications in Visual Studio Code. To install it, open the Extensions pane from the Activity Bar on the side of VS Code and type java. From there you will see the pack and can install it. The extensions included in this pack are:

Debugger for Java by Microsoft

Java Dependency Viewer by Microsoft

Java Test Runner by Microsoft

Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat

Maven for Java by Microsoft

Step 2 – Install Maven for Java

Now that you have installed the Java Extension Pack we need to install Maven for Java which will give us additional functionality when editing our pom.xml file. To do this, click on the Extensions button on the Activity Bar then type maven in the search box at the top of that window. Click Install and reload VS Code if needed. You should now see an option to edit your settings.json file in VS Code, click Open Settings (JSON) near the bottom right-hand corner of VS Code to open your settings file. Once there add “java.semanticHighlighting.enabled”: true to your settings.json file. This will

To start, open up Visual Studio Code and create a new Java project. Here’s the github repo for the code used in this blog post.

To get started on this, you’ll need to have Java and VS Code installed. At the time of writing this blog post, I am using the following versions of each program:

Java version: 1.8.0_121

VS Code version: 1.15.1

Now that you have your project created, we need to configure VS Code to be able to debug our java code as well as it is configured right now to debug javascript code. To do this, we need a file named launch.json within a folder named .vscode at the root level of your project directory. This folder should already exist; if it isn’t there just make it and then place the file launch.json inside it with the following code inside:


“version”: “0.2.0”,

“configurations”: [{

“name”: “Debug (Launch)-Current File”,

“type”: “java”,

“request”: “launch”,


“stopOnEntry”: false,

“mainClass”: “${fileBas

When you upgrade to Visual Studio Code, you suddenly have a lot of code available to view and edit. You can’t use your own computer anymore because the code is all over the place. And when you’re working with a new language, it’s even worse. You don’t know how to write it, or what tools are available for writing in it.

In my experience, however, the hardest part of learning a new language is finding the tools that are designed for it. It’s not just about learning its syntax; it’s about setting up an environment that makes writing in that language as easy as possible. For example, when I got started with Java, I knew I needed a Java compiler and runtime environment. But where do you find those? How do they work? What are they used for? And most importantly, which one is right for you?

Visual Studio Code has a feature called IntelliSense that can help with this process. IntelliSense provides intelligent code completion based on variable types, function definitions, and imported modules. The IntelliSense feature in Visual Studio Code lets you explore the breadth of a language’s library right within your editor. It also includes syntax highlighting, snippets (code templates), refactoring tools and more.

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