How to Terminate a Python Program

This blog is about the Python language and methods for handling program termination.

The exit() function allows the developer to exit from Python. If the developer wishes to exit from Python in the try block of a “try… except… else” statement, they may use the os._exit() function.

The quit() method allows the programmer to exit from Python by raising the SystemExit exception. This can be achieved by using a raise statement with no arguments inside an except or else clause. This can also be used within a finally clause.

In this blog, we are going to look at two ways to terminate a Python program. The first way is by using the exit() function. And the second option is by raising a SystemExit exception in your code.

Let’s take a look at both of these methods.

In this blog we will discuss how to exit a Python program.

Python programs can be ended with the sys.exit() function.

All sys.exit() does is raise an exception behind the scenes, so you could also use:

raise SystemExit(0)

This might be useful if you want to hide the fact that you are exiting from your program, for example in the case of a UNIX daemon process or a server in some other context where you don’t want others to see that your program is terminating.

In order to end a python program, you will have to use the following commands:

import sys


When coding in any language, you will eventually need a way to terminate your program. In Python, this can be done using the exit() function.

By using exit(), you are able to end a running Python script by raising the SystemExit exception. This allows you to have full control over what is going on inside of your program when it ends.

One of the most common uses for ending a script is for error handling. For example, if you were reading in information from a file and came across an unexpected character or word, you could exit the function and return an error message to the user.

Python is a programming language, so you should know how to terminate a Python program. In other words, how to exit from Python.

Every programming language has a way to exit the program. However, the method of exiting from Python might be different from a C++ and Java.

In this blog, let’s discuss how we can exit from python in different ways.

If you are running your python program from command prompt, then you can simply use exit() function, which will stop the execution of program and returns the control back to command prompt.

It is also possible to use quit() function on python console (i.e. interactive interpreter) and terminate the execution. In both cases, a message with exit code will be printed to standard error (stderr) stream and this message is “Process finished with exit code 0”.

However, if you wish to have a custom message or wish to print something else before exiting, then you can use sys.exit() method with an integer argument. An EXIT_SUCCESS (0) value indicates that program went fine without any exceptions. On the other hand, if you want to indicate some exception or failure, then it is recommended to pass a non-zero value as an argument to sys.exit().

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