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Pencil Code is a free service for kids to learn, create, and share with others.

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Pencil Code is a web site for learning to program. It is entirely free and open source, available under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. Pencil Code is a project of Edutainment Resources.

Pencil Code is a web-based programming environment for learning to code in JavaScript or CoffeeScript.

The focus of Pencil Code is on creating animations and games. It is especially useful for projects in mathematics and science. You can also use it to write programs that talk to the world through sensors and actuators on Arduino boards, Raspberry Pis, micro:bits and more.

Pencil Code has been used by over a million people worldwide, including at workshops by organizations such as Girls Who Code, Hour of Code and Black Girls CODE.

Pencil Code was originally developed by Dan Garcia at UC Berkeley with support from the National Science Foundation (grants CCF-0939370 and ACI-1440282). began operating in 2011, with continued support from Berkeley, Google Summer of Code, Google Grants, and many individual donors.

Suraj Nair joined the project in 2014 as a Google Summer of Code student; he later became a co-founder of Edutainment Resources along with Dan Garcia. Sur


Pencil Code is a programming environment for drawing, music, animations and more.


Press the [green flag] to start, then move your mouse over the screen.

Pencil Code is a collaborative programming site for drawing art, playing music, and creating games. The Pencil Code environment allows you to run JavaScript code on a server in real time.

This site is used by the Pencil Code team at Duke University to run the online Pencil Code editor at

Pencil Code is an open source project distributed under the AGPL v3 license.

The Pencil Code is a free, open source programming environment that runs in most web browsers. Programs are written in CoffeeScript or JavaScript, and can draw with turtle graphics or HTML5 Canvas.

Pencil Code development is supported by The National Science Foundation (grant

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