package palindrome;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
* Unit test for simple App.
public class AppTest {
* Rigourous Test 🙂
public void testApp() {
assertTrue( true );
public void isPalindrome() {
// Arrange
String strInput = “madam”;
boolean expectedResult = true;
Palindrome objPalindrome = new Palindrome();
// Act
boolean actualResult = objPalindrome.isPal(strInput);
// Assert
assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
public void isNotPalindrome() {
// Arrange
String strInput = “madame”;
boolean expectedResult = false;
Palindrome objPalindrome = new Palindrome();
// Act
boolean actualResult = objPalindrome.isPal(strInput);
// Assert
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class PalindromeTest {
public void testWordToDeque() {
Palindrome p = new Palindrome();
Deque d = p.wordToDeque(“persiflage”);
String actual = “”;
for (int i = 0; i < "persiflage".length(); i++) { actual += d.removeFirst(); } assertEquals("persiflage", actual);} @Test public void testisPalindrome() { Palindrome p = new Palindrome(); assertFalse(p.isPalindrome("cat"));} @Test public void testisPalindrome1() { OffByOne obo = new OffByOne(); assertTrue(obo.equalChars('a', 'b'));} @Test public void testisPalindrome2() { OffByN obn = new OffByN(5);assertTrue(obn.equal package; import org.junit.Test; import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertEquals; import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertFalse; import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class PalindromeTester { @Test public void testEvens() { assertTrue(PalindromeChecker.isPalindrome("toot")); assertFalse(PalindromeChecker.isPalindrome("toots")); assertFalse(PalindromeChecker.isPalindrome("toeet")); assertTrue(PalindromeChecker.isPalindrome("tootot")); } @Test public void testOdds() { assertTrue(PalindromeChecker.isPalindrome("tot")); assertFalse(PalindromeChecker.isPalindrome("tots")); assertFalse(PalindromeChecker.isPalindrome("toet")); assertTrue( public class PalindromeTest { public static void main(String[] args) { testIsPalindrome("regallager", true); testIsPalindrome("racecar", true); testIsPalindrome("hello", false); } private static void testIsPalindrome(String word, boolean expected) { boolean actual = Palindrome.isPalindrome(word); System.out.print("Testing that " + word + " is"); if (!expected) { System.out.print(" not"); } System.out.println(" a palindrome..."); if (actual == expected) { System.out.println("PASSED"); } else { System.out.println("FAILED: Expected " + expected + ", but was " + actual); } System.out.println(); // Prints a blank line to separate tests from each other } } package palindrome; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Test; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*; public class PalindromeTest { private String palindrome = "Dot saw I was Tod"; private String nonPalindrome = "I am not a palindrome"; @Test public void testForPalindrome() { assertThat(palindrome, is(Palindrome.isPalindrome(palindrome))); } @Test public void testForNonPalindrome() { assertThat(nonPalindrome, is(not(Palindrome.isPalindrome(nonPalindrome)))); } package com.sample; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class PalindromeTest extends TestCase { public void testPalindromeCheck() { boolean isPalindrome = PalindromeChecker.isPalindrome(“karan”); assertFalse(isPalindrome); } } private Palindrome p; public void setUp() { p = new Palindrome(); } public void testPalindrome() { assertFalse(p.isPalindrome("abc")); assertTrue(p.isPalindrome("aba")); }