Your Coder Coders have been refactoring code since the dawn of time. Our first customer, a caveman named Oog, was so impressed with our work that he told all his friends. And they all wanted us to refactor their code. Word spread like wildfire and we soon became the most popular coding team in history.
Today, Your Coder Coders is still working hard on refactoring your code. We’re committed to building the best software your company needs. We’re experts in advanced coding techniques and specialize in refactoring your code.
We’re also into writing blogs that discuss various things you could do to make your code easier to maintain and why they are important.
For a number of years, we’ve been known as “The Coder Coders.” That’s because we refactor code. And if you weren’t in the know, that means cleaning up and optimizing code to make it more maintainable.
What we do isn’t particularly glamorous, but it is important. We take your existing code, and make it better – simpler, faster, more readable.
For a long time, our customers have begged us for a blog where we can discuss the various things you could do to make your code easier to maintain and why they are important.
We hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as we enjoy writing it!
A lot of people have the wrong idea about “legacy code.” It’s not just old code; it’s code that doesn’t have tests. I prefer to think of legacy code as anything without tests, even if it is brand new.
There are a lot of benefits to having good test coverage for your code. It makes refactoring easier and safer, it lets you make changes with less fear, and it gives you a confidence boost knowing that if something does break, you will be alerted immediately.
In this post, we will go over some of the things you can do to make your code easier to maintain and why they are important. We will also go over how tests help us achieve these goals.
If you have an existing codebase and you want to make changes, then there is a good chance that you need to do some refactoring. Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure. If you have an application that needs refactoring, and if you are looking for a company that offers refactoring services, then we’re just the people for you.
We offer refactoring services for applications built on different platforms and technologies. We help you with all your refactoring needs, be it something as simple as restructuring some methods or something as complex as rearchitecting the whole application. In addition to helping with refactoring, we also provide complete documentation of the entire process so that your team can easily understand what has changed and why it was necessary. Our clients include companies like Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Oracle.
If you’re reading this, chances are that you’ve inherited a project in which the code is badly written. There is probably no documentation, and to make matters worse, if there are tests, they’re broken and practically useless. You are overwhelmed by the amount of bad code you need to read through. You don’t know where to begin to fix things or how to start testing without breaking anything.
You need help, but who can you turn to? The person who wrote it left ages ago. It wasn’t written by anyone on your team. Everyone is too busy with their own projects or backlogs for you to be able to get assistance from them. Nobody understands why it was written like this in the first place. Your boss wants it fixed yesterday and keeps asking when things will be working again.
Where do you go from here? What options do you have? How do you get out of this mess?
We have good news for you! We can help!
The code was written way back in 1999, there are no tests, the database schema is a mess, and it’s tightly coupled to some ancient framework. But you need to add a new feature fast or your business will be in real trouble. What do you do?
The obvious answer is to dive right in and start hacking on the code. After all, you know the domain well, you understand the problem that needs solving, and you have a rough idea of where the new code should go. You can probably get the new feature done in a few days. A week at most. And then you’ll just need to spend another few days fixing the bugs that inevitably crop up during testing and deployment.
But what if I told you there was a better way? One that involved writing less code, making fewer mistakes, and spending less time on fixing bugs? That’s right: refactoring.
Refactoring is the art of improving your existing code without adding any new functionality (or changing its behavior). By focusing on making your code more readable, maintainable and flexible, it not only makes your existing code easier to work with but also makes it easier to add new features in the future.
I work in the software industry, and I am a firm believer that it is very important to keep your code up to date with new technologies and maintainable.
I also believe that software should be easy to change, not just for the original developer but for anyone else who decides to develop on that platform. If you have a bad piece of code and you don’t refactor it, it will become more difficult to change over time. This is because it has more bugs and makes it harder for new developers to understand the code.
It’s about writing clean code and making sure it’s well-documented so that other people can read and understand what you’ve written.
I’m not saying you should never write bad code because there are times when you might need it. But when you’re writing software, make sure you’re thinking about how others will use it in future.