What Is Code? Why Learn It And How? A blog that talks about the importance of code and why you should learn it

Do you want to be a software engineer and get paid to code? Or, maybe you want to use coding skills in your career or just for fun. This blog will help you decide if coding is for you.

There are many reasons why someone would want to learn how to code. Many people enter the computer science field because of the money. It’s true that software developers can make a decent living depending on the industry they work in, but it is certainly not the only reason to consider learning how to code.

Coding allows you to build almost anything you can imagine, and that’s pretty exciting! Being able to create software programs and websites is a powerful skill set, and although it might seem intimidating at first, it is actually quite simple once you know the basics.

This blog explores what code means and how you can use it!

One of the most toxic assumptions in tech is that if you don’t like coding, you must be lazy. If you’re always complaining about code, you must be a bad programmer and everyone has to help you because clearly you can’t figure it out on your own.

But what if there is something fundamentally wrong with code? We all know that code smells are something we’re supposed to fix, but what if the whole thing reeks? What if we should get rid of it altogether?

Code and I are not friends. We’ve never been close, we work in different departments, and I have no plans to befriend it in the future. There’s nothing personal about it – I just don’t like code.

But for years now I’ve been hearing how important it is to understand code so I tried to learn it. I did a lot of research, talked to other people who hate code as much as me, and dipped my toes in the water every once in a while. And every time I was disappointed by the results.

And then one day, while doing some research on my annual efforts to learn ReactJS (again), I came across this blog post which changed everything: Why Learn To Code When You Can Automate It By @jessit

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a non-programmer who has been told to learn to code. You’ve probably asked yourself, “Why do I need to learn to code? I’m not going to be a programmer.”

And that’s exactly the point. These days, whether you’re a marketer, a designer, an entrepreneur or even a doctor, knowing how to code is becoming more important than ever. So what exactly is coding and why should you care?

Coding is the process of using a programming language to get a computer to behave how you want it to. Every line of code tells the computer to do something, and a document full of lines of code is called a script. And thus, coding is just like writing any other language; except instead of writing for people, you write scripts for computers.

With these scripts, you can tell computers what to do: display text on the screen, jump around in memory, add numbers together or even draw pictures on the screen. But most importantly, by learning how to code we can actually get computers do all the busy work for us and make our lives easier!

And now with sites like Codeacademy which allow anyone with an internet connection learn how to code for free in

Learning to code can seem overwhelming. I know it was for me when I first started. But if you want to be a software engineer, it’s something you have to go through. In this article, I’m going to talk about how developers learn to code, how they stay motivated and what the most important things are during the process.

If you’re thinking about learning to code, this is going to be a useful read for you.

If you have spent any time at all on the Internet, you have probably come across a website that has an interesting application that you might want to use. Once you go to the website and sign up, there is usually a button on the screen that says “Run This Now.” Your entire experience with that application is clicking this button.

You may not know it, but whenever you click a button like this, code is running in your browser. This code is running on a computer someplace else in the world. The code takes some input from you (for example, the text of a tweet), and sends it to another computer that stores it. When your friends visit Twitter, they get the text of the tweet from this other computer.

This is how almost all web applications work today. It turns out that writing such applications is quite hard for most people, even those who are trained in software development. But this essay will show you how to write them easily and quickly.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that every single person reading these words now has access to more computing power than all of NASA had when they put two men on the moon in 1969, for about $500 per person — less than half what most people pay for their smartphones or their cable TV

Programming is a superpower. With it, you can make a computer do anything you want.

Our goal is to teach the basics of programming and how it works in about ~45 minutes. We don’t expect you to have any prior knowledge of coding, so we will start at zero.

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. — Rich Cook


var x = 0;

while (x < 10) { console.log("I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."); x++; }// END SANDBOX

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