5 Python Programs You Can Use to Grow your Knowledge of the Language
Python is one of the most widely used general-purpose programming languages. The language is popular among programmers because of its:
Readability – Python code is very easy to read and understand, making it perfect for beginners.
Versatility – Python can be used in web development, data science, machine learning and more.
Dynamic Typing – In Python, you don’t need to declare variable types unlike other languages like C
In this article, I will introduce 5 Python programs that you can use to grow your knowledge of the language and master your skills.
Note: I will be using Python 3 instead of Python 2 for all of these examples.
Run a simple calculator program in the command line
The first program I want to introduce is a simple calculator program. This is a great example for those who are new to programming and want to start off with some easy coding. It also shows you how to use the basic arithmetic operators in python. However, if you already know the basics of coding in another language, then this will seem like a breeze. You can learn more about it here:
The code looks like this:
num1 = int(input(“Enter first number: “))
num2 = int(input(“Enter second number: “))
print(“Select operation.”)
choice = input(“Enter choice(1/2/3/4): “)
if choice == ‘1’:
Python is a popular programming language that is widely used by beginners and longtime developers alike. Modern compilers and development environments make it easy to write correct, high-performance code in C, C++, Java, or other languages. Python is still a great choice for the beginner coder.
Python is a good choice for beginning programmers because its syntax is easy to understand. The community consensus seems to be that Python’s readability makes it worth the tradeoff in performance. But if you want to write high-performance code in python, there are ways to do so without sacrificing much readability.
What follows are five python programs you can use to grow your knowledge of the language. There are many more out there, but these are some of the easiest to follow and implement:
0. Calculator – A simple calculator to do basic operators.
Python is an interpreted high-level programming language used in a variety of applications. It is often used as a scripting language because of its forgiving syntax and compatibility with a wide variety of different eco-systems.
Here are five simple examples which you can use to learn the basics of Python from scratch.
1. Hello World: This is a classic example that you will see in most tutorials on any language. It prints “Hello World” to the console. The code for this is pretty simple, just write “print(“Hello World”)”.
2. The Fizz Buzz Challenge: This is pretty much an exercise in logic and flow control. This code simply prints the numbers from 1 to 100, but if the number is divisible by 3 then it prints “fizz”, if it’s divisible by 5 then it prints “buzz”, and if it’s divisible by both then it prints “fizzbuzz”.
3. Guess the Number: This program asks the user to guess a number between 1 and 10, and continuously asks until they guess correctly. The computer then tells them what they won and how many tries it took them to guess right.
4. Pig Latin Translator: This program takes whatever word or sentence given to it,
1. The Quiz Game
This is a basic quiz game that allows people to play against each other. It uses an if,elif and else statement. This is a great program to use if you are just getting started with Python.
2. Rock Paper Scissors
Rock Paper Scissors is a classic two-player game that is played all over the world. This game will allow you to practice your logic skills as well as your Python skills.
3. Guess the Number
Guess the Number is a fun and interactive game that will get you thinking on how to use random numbers in Python. You can also use this game to learn how to read input from a user and convert it into an integer data type so that you can judge if the user has guessed correctly or incorrectly. This program is flexible enough that you can create your own guessing game for different types of objects (e.g., guess the animal).
4. The Magic 8 Ball
The Magic 8 Ball takes in a question from the user and then provides a random answer from its list of 20 possible answers. It does this by using a function called def() which is one of the most basic constructs of Python functions and it allows us to create our own commands using code (the code
This program will create two files that contain a backup of all the emails that you have in your inbox. We will use the Gmail API to access our email account and then the Python library ‘pickle’ to store data in a file.
This program will allow you to download music from YouTube and save it on your computer. It is a pretty basic program but it is a great example of how you can interact with web services and APIs using Python.
With this program, you will be able to sort through your tweets using keywords and even hashtags. This project became popular after Donald Trump was elected President of the United States. People started using this script to sort through his tweets and find out what he had been saying lately.
This program will help you learn how to scrape information from a website so that you can display it on your own website or application. We will use a Python library called Beautiful Soup which helps us build this scraper in just a few lines of code.
If you are looking for the best way to learn how list comprehensions work then this script is perfect for you! It takes the numbers 1-100 and adds them up into one big number. It does this with lists comprehensions!
[Program 1: The Sieve of Eratosthenes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ-wPfVpTtE)
The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a simple algorithm for finding all prime numbers up to a certain number.
[Program 2: Fibonacci Numbers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FhweaHW1_0)
Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of numbers that follow the formula Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 (starting with 0 and 1).
[Program 3: Simple Interest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4CkOgA8ggI)
Simple interest is the amount you get when you multiply the principal by the interest rate by the number of periods.
[Program 4: Rearranging Formulas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR1BJGjBZiY)
Formulas can be rearranged in order to solve for one variable in terms of another one. This program will help you practice doing that!
[Program 5