5 reasons why you should choose low-code platform. A blog on low-code platforms.

Low-code platforms, a new pricing model, and a new way to develop applications is coming out of the woodwork. Low-code platforms are creating a buzz and it’s easy to see why.

In this article we will go over the reasons why you should choose a low-code platform.

Reason 1: The Shortage of Developers

The biggest reason why you should choose low-code platform is because of the current shortage of developers. This shortage has been around for some time now, but with Covid-19, this shortage is expected to get worse. With many companies going digital, there is an increasing demand for developers and not enough developers to fill the role.

This shortage is not only in traditional development areas, but also in low-code development. A low-code platform allows non-developers to build software as well as developers so that they can handle a larger workload.

Reason 2: Save on Development Costs

Companies that want to develop software can be expensive and take a long time to complete. For example, if your company wants to build software internally, you need to hire more employees or outsource the project which can be costly. With a low-code platform, you don’t have to worry about those expensive costs because you

The term low-code platform is not new in the market. It has been around for a few years now. Gartner defines it as “an emerging application development software category that provides a graphical environment and prebuilt functionality to shorten the time to delivery of high-quality business applications with minimal hand coding.”

In simpler terms, Low-code platforms are programming tools that require less skill to develop apps. These platforms have easy-to-use interfaces and drag-and-drop features that help you create an app quickly without writing any code. The low-code development platform makes it easy for business users to build their own software without needing any help from IT. Here are five reasons why you should choose a low-code platform:

What is a low-code application development platform?

The low code development platform is a visual environment that enables business users, analysts and developers to build applications quickly and easily. Low-code platforms offer drag-and-drop tools for developing applications with less code than traditionally needed. It also comes with an extensive library of preconfigured components that can be used to build application functions.

Low code platforms usually include support for mobile devices, the cloud, integration with third party systems, and visual workflows. By enabling faster application development, these platforms help businesses respond more quickly to new business processes or changing requirements.

Why should you choose low code?

Low code is a very popular trend in the enterprise software market because of its many advantages including:

Faster time to market: With traditional coding, it takes months or years to get an idea into production. Low code allows you to develop an application much faster since most of the infrastructure is already in place and the developer only needs to focus on the unique parts of the solution.

Simplicity: another advantage of using low code is simplicity. With low code, everyone can learn how to build an application without having programming knowledge, which means that more people in your organization can contribute to building innovative applications.


When you group together the people who think we should build more and more software, you find that there is a split. On one side of the split are people who believe that software should be written in code. The other side believes that software can be built without code. This divide has led to many debates on whether it is good to write software or not.

In this blog, I am going to talk about the two sides of this debate and explain why you should choose low-code tools to build your next application.

What are Low-Code and No-Code Platforms?

If you were to ask someone what no-code means, they would describe it as designing an application without writing any code. And if you asked them how they did it, they would describe their process as using a GUI or drag and drop features to create their applications.

Low-code platforms follow a similar approach but require some coding knowledge from the user; however, it does not require them to write a lot of code for creating an application. The code is usually written for logic, security, and integrations with existing systems.

Advantages of Using Low-Code Platforms

1) Visibility – No Code/Low Code platforms provide end users with visibility into

1. Faster Delivery Time and Cost Savings

Low-code platforms allow you to create an application that meets your business requirements while it also helps you to reduce the cost and the time spent on development. This is because low-code platforms come with built-in libraries, connectors and standard templates that developers can use to build an application.

2. Highly Scalable

Scalability is a major issue for organizations as they grow. With low-code platforms, organizations have no such problems as these platforms are highly scalable. Low-code platforms help in more efficient management of data as well as users. Also, updating the system becomes very easy and quick. Low-code platforms allow organizations to add new features as well as manage data and user requests efficiently while maintaining high levels of security.

3. Easy Integration

Low-code platforms can support integration with other systems and applications in a seamless manner. Since low-code platforms provide drag & drop capabilities, developers can easily integrate different systems without having to write complex code which saves time and money for the organization by reducing development efforts significantly.

4. Increased ROI

As low-code platforms help to improve the speed of application development, businesses can see increased ROI from their investments in IT

It is a known fact that the demand for IT professionals outnumbers the supply. This is due to the increasing popularity of digitalization and its underlying technological advancements. In order to cope up with this demand, companies are now turning to low-code platforms. Low code no code development platforms allow even non-technical users to create their own software using drag-and-drop components and pre-built functionality.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been in the news quite a bit lately, and for good reason. In fact, IDC is predicting that there will be more than 41.6 billion connected devices by 2025. That’s because the IoT is changing the world as we know it. It makes us safer, smarter, and more efficient at everything we do. Smart cities are fortified with sensors for security, traffic control, and pollution monitoring—while intelligent homes are equipped with sensors that make life easier.

These connected devices collect massive amounts of data from every corner of our lives and then transmit it to a cloud-based system where it’s processed into actionable insights into our habits, preferences, and behaviors. But that’s where the problem lies—or rather, how to solve this problem lies—in the ability to keep up with all this incoming data.

That’s where low-code IoT platforms come in handy. They combine drag-and-drop tools with a visual interface so users can build applications without involving developers for every single update or request. They allow you to not only get your IoT apps up and running faster but also allow you to innovate quickly and make changes on the fly—without having to code anything

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