A forum for discussion about the book . Other related blog ideas

We’re excited to announce the OpenAI Codex!

The OpenAI Codex is a forum for discussion about the book Superintelligence, by Nick Bostrom. Here you’ll be able to ask questions and receive answers from the author and other experts on topics related to the book.

We’ll also be posting links to news articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, and other content relating to artificial intelligence. We’re excited to see what kinds of discussions emerge here in the Codex!

A blog post on the OpenAI site is a great way to start a discussion. It’s easy to share and you can easily get comments on it. Here are a few blog posts we think would be worth reading.

1. A blog post about the book. If it’s an interesting or important topic, we’ll include a link to it in our weekly newsletter.

2. A blog post about one of the chapters of the book. This is especially useful if you’re writing about something that hasn’t been covered before in a book or magazine article. We’ll include a link to it in our weekly newsletter if it’s relevant to our readers, but we won’t include your full article unless you ask us to do so.

3. A blog post about one of the chapters of the book that has been annotated with links to other resources, such as Wikipedia articles or podcasts, that are relevant to what you’re writing about. We’ll include a link to it in our weekly newsletter if it’s relevant to our readers, but we won’t include your full article unless you ask us to do so.

4. A blog post about one of the chapters of the book that has been annotated with links to other resources, such as Wikipedia articles or podcasts

The book is a discussion of how to think about the future. For each of the main chapters, we have a set of experts who have generously volunteered to contribute their thoughts on each chapter. We’ve copied their comments below, and we encourage you to leave your own comments on the page for each chapter.

If you’d like to be an expert reviewer for a chapter, please contact us at [email protected].

Conversation about The Open AI Codex

Below are some essay sections:

Name:The Art of the Start

We are looking for articles from the community to publish alongside our blog series. To submit an article, please email us with the following:

A 3-4 sentence bio that could be posted alongside your article (you may use it as a byline)

A short description of your article

500 – 1,000 words about the topic of your choice related to the book. You can use this space to cover a topic you would like to see explored in greater depth, or a topic you wish had been included. You can also use this space to share your own personal story or experience that relates to the themes in the book.

We’re excited to announce the OpenAI Codex, a new discussion forum for artificial intelligence, and our first product as an organization.

We’ve seen some great discussions happening around our blog posts, but they’ve been scattered across the web. A centralized location will make it easier to have these discussions, and share their results.

Welcome to OpenAI Codex! We’re a community dedicated to discussing OpenAI’s Codex.

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