Do you have an issue with your css styling? Unminify free website will help you to unminify your compressed css code and beautify it. The unminifier can also be used to beautify unreadable minified html, javascript and json codes. You do not need to install any tool on your computer; just paste the code and click the button “Unminify”.
This service is powered by JS Beautifier, which is a web based application that parses the css files and makes it more readable. It removes all the newlines, spaces and tabs from the code so that it saves space in file size but it becomes very difficult for humans to understand what is actually written in the code.
JS Beautifier will also work fine if you plan on using it as an online javascript unpacker. This tool has been built to help with testing your CSS, it will allow you to see what a browser generates when it interprets your CSS code.
In my case it had to do with a CSS file that was compressed. The same file uncompressed would have been 37KB, but after compressing it, it was now only 16KB. It wasn’t a huge file, mind you, but I had to constantly make changes to the stylesheet and decompressing the file every time got tedious very fast.
The solution was to use an online service that does all the dirty work for me. Here is a list of some of them:
JS Beautifier ( – Online tool for unminifying JavaScript files
CSS Unminifier ( – Online tool for unminifying CSS files
Unminify Website ( – Does both JavaScript and CSS
Uncompress Code ( – Online tool that does both JavaScript and CSS
In my case I used the last one since it has a nifty feature I found useful: you can paste the original compressed code in one column, then the uncompressed code in another column, and whenever you make changes to either column, it will automatically update the other one.
Unminify is an online tool to unminify (unpack, deobfuscate) CSS, JavaScript and JSON code, making it readable and pretty. It also protects the privacy of your source code.
To make your code readable again, just enter or paste the minified code into the text area and click Unminify. You can then select and copy the unminified code.
The unminify website is a simple online tool to unminify, beautify or just ‘unpack’ minified and also uglified CSS, JavaScript and HTML code, making it readable again. It’s very useful to beautify minified code for easier editing and better reading.
It can handle very large files (up to 1GB), but I don’t recommend it since you may lose the process if there are too many functions.
Minify is the process of removing all unnecessary characters from source code without changing its functionality. These unnecessary characters usually include white space characters, new line characters, comments, and sometimes block delimiters, which are used to add readability to the code but are not required for it to execute.
CSS minifier tool is also available online. You can paste your css files inside input box and click on compress button to get your CSS minified or compressed. You can also use our online tool to compress or minify css files directly from your browser without any registration.
I also tried to unminify CSS code generated by the W3C validator and it worked, but only until the first CSS comment. I noticed that the first comment is in fact included in the output. However, comments are not allowed at all in inline styles (or style attributes). In some cases it is possible to place a comment before the style attribute, but then it will not be within the attribute value.
I know this is probably not a big issue, and I should probably just ignore it and move on, but I’m curious: Why does unminify remove comments from CSS code?
In computer science, minification is the process of removing all unnecessary characters from source code without changing its functionality. These unnecessary characters usually include white space characters, new line characters, comments, and sometimes block delimiters, which are used to add readability to the code but are not required for it to execute.
Minification is a general term that can also be applied to other programming languages such as JavaScript or HTML, although each language has its own specific term. The most common use case is in web development where many developers write code using multiple spaces and new line characters between tokens. When the code is later served to a client’s browser, these extra characters are unnecessary and increase the size of the file that must be downloaded by the client’s browser.
It is also common for developers to add extra “debugging” comments into their source code. For example, in JavaScript commen…