Does Clean Code Matter? This Simulator Shows You Why It Does

Just like the title of this article suggests, this post is about the importance of clean code. You will learn why it matters and how you can make sure your code and projects are good enough.

I’m going to use a simulator to show you exactly why clean code is important and what happens if you have messy code.

The simulator is simple yet powerful. It shows two programmers who work on a project together. Both programmers need to implement the same basic functionality: display articles in a list.

You will see both developers working on their tasks simultaneously and decide yourself which one does better in terms of writing clean code. This way we can learn from each other’s mistakes and do better in the long run.

Does Clean Code Matter? This Simulator Shows You Why It Does

Let’s get started!

In a recent blog post, I wrote about how to make sure your code is clean enough. Now, it’s time to ask: how do you know clean code is worth the effort?

It’s hard to argue against cleaner code. After all, it is usually easier to understand and maintain. But there can be a big difference between having clear ideas in theory and convincing people that they should take action. So let me try something different: instead of arguing further, I’ll show you why clean code matters.

I will do this by showing you a simulator of a real project. It shows the evolution of software quality over time for different teams that use different techniques for writing code. You can see for yourself what kind of results different techniques have on the quality of your software.

If you’d like to see everything in action right away, go here and play with the simulator:

A simulator game where you are a programmer that needs to satisfy his boss and his client, while staying sane and healthy.

As you progress in your career as a developer, one of the things that you need to do is to write clean code that is easy to read, understand, and maintain.

Since it’s hard to find resources on how to write clean code in real life, I’ve decided to create this simulator game where you can see for yourself why writing clean code really matters.

In this article you will see:

1- What does “clean code” actually mean?

2- Why does “clean code” actually matter?

3- How can you learn to write clean code?

4- But first: What exactly is “clean code”?

I recently came across a blog post called Does Clean Code Really Matter? It inspired me to create a tool that simulates the effect of clean code on developer productivity.

The code is available on GitHub and you can play with it here:

When I’m not coding, I’m making games or writing articles. If you enjoy my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my newsletter!

If you’ve been involved in writing code for any length of time, chances are you’ve heard the term clean code. Hopefully, you’ve taken it to heart and tried to write clean code yourself. But sometimes clean code is a hard sell. Especially if you have a boss who doesn’t quite understand the concept of clean code.

Sometimes they say things like:

– “We don’t have time to write clean code. We need to get this feature done as soon as possible.”

– “This is a temporary solution, so it doesn’t need to be cleaned up.”

– “We won’t be working on this part of the system for another three months, so there is no point in cleaning it up now.”

One of the most important attributes of good code is that it should be readable. This is especially important when you work in a team because it makes your code easier to understand and maintain by your colleagues.

It’s always easy to write dirty code, but it’s not so easy to write clean code. So how do you make sure you write clean code?

Lines of Code – What is Clean Code?

The term “Clean Code” was first introduced by Robert Martin in his book Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship. He defines clean code as:

Clean Code reads like well-written prose. Clean Code never obscures the designer’s intent but rather is full of crisp abstractions and straightforward lines of control.*

In other words, clean code is simple and straightforward to read and understand. It makes the intent clear without compromising on performance or functionality.

So-called “Clean Code” is a term used to describe code which follows certain practices and conventions. These include:

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