Hi there,
In this worksheet we will create a simple game which will teach you the basics of creating a game in GameMaker Studio 2. Specifically we will go over:
Creating objects
Setting up events and actions
Creating a room and positioning instances in it
Importing graphics
Using variables to store information
Game Main Menu – Worksheet 2: A worksheet where the reader creates a main menu for their game.
A worksheet where the reader creates a game of their creation.
In this worksheet you will be creating your own game. It can be any type of game you like, from sports to puzzles to strategy games. You will need to write out a few things about your game, including:
The aim of the game
What controls the player has (will they be using their keyboard? mouse?)
How to win and lose the game
Welcome to Game Coding 101! In this worksheet, we will be taking a look at the basic requirements for creating a game. You will be following the steps to create your own game.
Choose a game: What kind of game do you want to make? We’re going to be making a platformer video game, a genre that includes games such as Super Mario Bros., Sonic the Hedgehog, and Donkey Kong Country. This is an action genre that involves moving around on platforms and avoiding enemies and obstacles. Your character can sometimes attack enemies and perform special moves like jumping or gliding.
Now that you’ve chosen your genre, let’s take some time to plan out what we need for our platformer game!
This is the first worksheet in a series of worksheets that will examine the basic elements of game development. This worksheet will cover the most basic part of any game – the player!
1. The first thing we need to do is create a new project in Unity. Start Unity and click “New”. Give your project a name, like “CodingGame”, and press Save.
2. Next, we want to set up our scene so that it’s ready for us to code our player character into it. First, we want to create an empty game object (GameObject -> Create Empty) and rename it “Player”. This will be used as a container for all of our player’s components, making them easy to find in the inspector later on. Then, add a capsule under GameObject -> 3D Object -> Capsule and drag it as a child of the Player game object.
3. Now we need to create a script for our player so that we can make it move around when we play our game. Right click in your Project panel and choose Create -> C
To begin, note that the worksheet is not asking you to write any code. We’re just going to be mapping out our game and thinking about the steps we need to take to get it working.
Fill in the variables section below with the following variable names, and types:
name – string
health – integer
speed – float
weapon – string
is_alive – boolean
Brainstorm It!
In this worksheet you’ll brainstorm the game idea you have. You’ll think about what your game is about and start to put together the rules that you’ll need to make it work. This worksheet can be done by yourself or with other people.
Remember, a good game has these characteristics:
-The game is fun
-The game is easy to play
-The game makes sense
The more of these characteristics your game has, the easier it will be to create your own video game. If your game doesn’t have all three attributes, don’t worry—you can always change it!
1. What are some games you like to play? List at least three games here: _________________________________________
2. What do you like about those games? _____________________________________________________________________
3. What do you not like about them? _________________________________________________________________________
4. What would make these games better? …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. If you could design a perfect video game, what would it look like and how would it work? Draw a picture of your perfect video game below: