Get Strong With Visual Studio Code

Get Strong With Visual Studio Code: A blog about how to use VSCode for C++ development.

I have been dabbling with C++ for a while and whenever I came across a new C++ feature, I would search for a good resource about it. Almost inevitably, I would find a StackOverflow page which told me what the feature was but left me wanting more information. As a result, I decided to create this blog as a place where I could go back to any time I needed to refresh my memory on any particular feature. As expected, the posts are heavily influenced by StackOverflow pages and other webpages that I found when researching on various topics.

I’m a big fan of Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.

I’ve been using it for developing my applications in C++ since 2016 and I think it’s a fantastic IDE. It has C/C++ support, powerful debugger, built-in terminal, syntax highlighting and snippets, and easy to use extensions.

My First Impressions of VSCode

When I first heard of Visual Studio Code, I was skeptical. Microsoft’s track record with IDEs hasn’t been great: they had the worst Java IDE (Visual J++) that didn’t work well with other vendors’ tools (e.g., Spring). But I decided to give VSCode a try because it said “code” in the name. And I was pleasantly surprised by how great it is.

At the time, I was developing software in Eclipse CDT, which is an OK IDE but has some shortcomings: it’s slow to start up and lacks some features that you’d expect from an IDE (e.g., refactoring). It also doesn’t have any built-in terminal; instead, you have to install third-party plugins for that. And even then they don’t work properly if you’re working on Windows Subsystem for Linux projects.

By comparison,

Visual Studio Code is a powerful, flexible editor that has quickly become a favourite of programmers, particularly in the Web Development community. VSCode combines the streamlined UI of a modern editor with rich code assistance and navigation, and an integrated debugging experience – without the need for a full IDE.*

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages (such as C++, C

Visual Studio Code is a free, open source and lightweight code editor from Microsoft. It supports multiple languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, C/C++, Java just to name a few. You can customize its look by using themes and install plugins to extend its capabilities.

I have used VSCode for a while now and I am loving it. I have switched to VSCode from SublimeText and Atom because of its easy of use, speed and better performance.

In my experience with VSCode, I have found myself using some of the plugins which has made me more productive and love it even more. So here are the plugins that I have used so far:

1) Auto Close Tag – For HTML projects you can use this plugin to close your tags automatically.

2) Auto Rename Tag – It renames matching HTML tag automatically when you rename one tag.

3) Bracket Pair Colorizer – This plugin makes it easier for you to distinguish opening and closing brackets in your code by assigning different colors to different bracket pairs. This is very helpful when you are dealing with nested brackets in your code.

4) Debugger for Chrome – If your project uses Chrome browser for debugging then this extension is very useful for you because

Code Bootcamps is a program that helps you to learn how to code. They help you to build your career as a developer and in the current industry, you need a strong portfolio to get hired. Since every company is becoming tech-based, there are plenty of jobs available for developers.

The requirement for a developer is to know how to code and how to write an efficient code. The bootcamp gives you the required skills which help you to get a job as a developer. They have real projects, mentors, and other resources that can help you to become a professional developer.

Most of the people join bootcamp by quitting their job or by taking some time off from their work. Some people do this as full-time while others do it part-time. But it is not easy as it seems because most of the bootcamps are expensive but they give you enough guidance so that they can land into their dream job with the help of bootcamp.

Coding Bootcamps are available online and offline both but it is better if you take them offline because then you get more access to mentors and real projects rather than just watching videos which can be boring sometimes and which will not give you any practical knowledge.

This is the second post in a series of posts on C++ development with VS Code. Before you begin, make sure you have completed the tutorials on how to configure C++ support.

If you want to follow along and use the example code, fork it from GitHub.

Creating a Debug Configuration

VSCode provides two ways for debugging your application:

debug configurations stored in the .vscode directory of your project

launch.json file

Let’s start by creating a debug configuration using the .vscode method. In your project directory, create a new directory named .vscode and add a file named c_cpp_properties.json to it. In this file, add the following contents:


“configurations”: [


“name”: “Win32”,

“includePath”: [


“defines”: [


“windowsSdkVersion”: “10.0.17134.0”,

“compilerPath”: “C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.16.27023/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe”,

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