GSOC 2021 Progress Report Final

My final progress report for GSOC 2021.

A brief introduction about me, if you have not seen my first blog, I am an undergraduate student from India. I am currently in my third year of college. My favorite programming language is Python and this summer I will be working on the project named “Porting the Math Library to Rust” under the organization GStreamer. (Didn’t know what GStreamer was? Well, it has something to do with multimedia processing and interestingly, Netflix is also made using GStreamer!)

It’s been three months now since we started working on our projects. And finally, after a lot of hard work and struggles, we are at the end of this journey. I must say that it was a wonderful experience working with the GStreamer team. I learned so many new things while working on this project which would not have been possible without my mentor Stéphane Cerveau who supported me throughout this journey.

While working on this project, we ended up implementing around 25 math functions in Rust, adding tests for all these functions and writing documentation for them as well! If you want to check out our work then you can do so by going to this link:

GSoC 2021 – Progress Report: Final

The final progress report for my GSoC project, “KDE Connect Android: Desktop notifications synchronization”.

Final work done

Fixed the notification rendering issue with TextView by using RemoteViews.setTextViewText() method.

Implemented notification actions synchronization between Desktop and Android device.

Added proper tests for NotificationSynchronizer on the desktop side.

Working on implementing Desktop notification actions on the Android side.

Hi everyone! This is my final blog for the GSoC 2021 program. As a quick recap, I was working on adding support for music files in the Media Library, along with improving its UI/UX. I will be going over the major tasks that I have completed, as well as giving some insight into some of the things that I learned while doing this project.

Currently, there are 4 major parts to the Media Library:

1. Image Library

2. Video Library

3. Audio Library

4. Documents

The Media Library is responsible for showing all supported file types to the user in an organized manner. In addition to this, it provides basic editing tools like cropping and resizing for images, trimming for videos and audio conversion for audio files. The documents section acts as a file explorer (with a search functionality) where you can access all your files from one place.

Google Summer of Code 2021 is a program to help students make significant progress in their open source projects. I will be working on the project “Improving the user experience of Rasa assistant” under the organization “Rasa Technologies GmbH”.

Progress Report (Week -1)

-I started with learning about Rasa. I went through the official docs and started reading papers by Rasa.

-I installed Rasa on my local machine and tried running some sample examples.

-I also went through Rasa X docs and installed rasax on my local machine.

-I read some blogs related to improving user experience of chatbots.

Progress Report (Week 1)

-I did some exploratory research on different types of chatbots available online and made notes of it. Also, I read some papers by Rasa on improving user experience of chatbots.

-I explored all the options available in Rasa X and gave feedback to the team regarding it. Also, I reported bugs to them as well as contributed to their documentation.

Progress Report (Week 2)

-After taking feedback from mentors, I came up with a design plan for all three projects i.e how the final product will look like and what kind of features

I am really glad to say that I have completed the DRAFTS of my assignments for the cycle. As suggested, I would be sending the drafts for all the assignments to my mentor and will be working on iterative improvements in the following week.

I have gone through most of the topics required to work on a basic compiler. Now I am looking forward to writing a compiler from scratch. I would also be working on implementing some more features in TinyCC.

I intend to complete my assignments by the completion of this cycle and get started with something more challenging as soon as possible.


I am Shubham Khandelwal. I am currently working on a GSoC project under JuliaLang Organization for creating a package named

My project is to implement the “Automatic Scaling” of Kubernetes resources.

Kubernetes setup with many services will often have some workloads which are not as resource intensive as others.

This may be very useful in reducing the overall resource consumption for a cluster, leading to a more efficient and cost effective cluster.

With this patch, you can configure minimum and maximum limits for CPU, memory and etc on each pod in your cluster.

The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler controller will automatically scale the number of pods in a replication controller, deployment or replica set based on observed CPU utilization (or, with custom metrics support, on some other application-provided metrics).

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