Java Script Tricks for jQuery Lovers: A blog about the tricks Java Script can do for you and why you should use JQuery.
Java Script Tricks for jQuery Lovers: A blog about the tricks Java Script can do for you and why you should use JQuery.
Java Script Tricks for jQuery Lovers: A blog about the tricks Java Script can do for you and why you should use JQuery.
Java Script Tricks for jQuery Lovers: A blog about the tricks Java Script can do for you and why you should use JQuery.
Java Script Tricks for jQuery Lovers: A blog about the tricks Java Script can do for you and why you should use JQuery.
JavaScript is a web programming language that allows programmers to add functionalities to websites. Java script is a must for any programmer who wants call himself a front-end developer. This blog will show you how to use JavaScript in your front-end web application and how to make it a better experience for your users.
Java Script Tricks for jQuery Lovers: A blog about the tricks Java Script can do for you and why you should use JQuery.
Java Script has been around since the mid 90s. It was created as a way to make pages more interactive, and to make web browsers more easily customizable. Because of this, there are many libraries that allow developers to add interactivity with very little Java Script code. So, why learn another language when you can use JQuery?
When it comes to animations, JQuery’s syntax is much easier to write than plain Java Script. If you want some text to fade out slowly, all you have to do is call a method. In Java Script it takes a lot more code than that.
The biggest reason to use JQuery instead of Java Script is because of how much time it saves you. I’ve created games in Java Script that took me weeks because of how much code had to be written. With JQuery I was able to create those same games in a few days instead of weeks.
Java Script is one of the most popular languages used today. It is the language that runs on the web and makes your web page come to life. Java Script is an interpreted (a program with no compiler) multi-paradigm, dynamic programming language.
It has been standardized in the ECMAScript language specification. Along with HTML and CSS, Java Script is one of the three core technologies of World Wide Web content production; the majority of websites employ it and it is supported by all modern Web browsers without plug-ins.
Java Script is a tool used by many programmers to bring their pages to life.
We all know that jQuery is the best thing ever. It’s concise, easy to use, and it makes writing javascript a breeze. But sometimes you can’t use jQuery; sometimes you need to use vanilla javascript because of conflicts with other js libraries or company restrictions.
jQuery is an abstraction for javascript. It takes care of some of the annoying parts of writing javascript and adds some useful functions. So I’ve compiled a list of useful tricks that will help you write vanilla javascript faster and easier while embracing some of the same principles that make jQuery so great.
Now before we begin, there are two ways to code vanilla javascript: the fast way and the slow way. The fast way is to use jQuery syntax with out actually using jQuery. For example, this $(‘
Visual Studio is a great tool for writing code. It is easy to use, and it has a lot of useful features. One of the best features is IntelliSense, which provides auto-completion for functions, objects, and parameters. Unfortunately, IntelliSense doesn’t work with Java Script out of the box. Fortunately, there is a great open source project called JSDoc Toolkit that makes it easy to enable IntelliSense for Java Script in Visual Studio.
Here’s how to use JSDoc Toolkit with Visual Studio 2008:
Download and install the latest version of JSDoc Toolkit. This will install everything you need (including Java) on your system.
Add this line to your HTML file:
JavaScript is not Java.
Many people think that Java and JavaScript are the same, but they aren’t. JavaScript was created in 10 days in May 1995 by Brendan Eich, then working at Netscape and now of Mozilla. JavaScript was not influenced by Java (which was not yet widely used), but by Self and Scheme. It was intended to be a simpler scripting language for Web pages, complementing HTML.
JavaScript quickly became the most popular scripting language on the Web. In 1996, Netscape announced that it would include support for a streamlined version of JavaScript (then called LiveScript) in its upcoming Netscape Navigator 2.0 browser, but it renamed the language JavaScript before its release in an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of Sun Microsystems’ Java programming language. This caused confusion among Web developers who were already familiar with a different language called LiveScript. Mainly because of this confusion, Microsoft chose to rename its version of the language JScript when it included support for it in Internet Explorer 3.0 (released in August 1996). Other browsers also supported JavaScript for a time until the W3C DOM standard supplanted it, causing browser makers to abandon their own versions of the language and implement the standard instead.
Since then