Reacting to real time changes using vscode

This blog will go through how to create a simple application that displays the current date and time from real time changes using the reactive java framework. This is done with a few extra lines of code, which are needed for setting up maven.

First of all we create a new project in vscode. To do this, open vscode and use the command “Java: Create Java Project” and select a location for your new project.

Now that you have created your new project, you need to add some extra dependencies to the pom.xml file. This file contains information about your project and its dependencies. We will be using two dependencies for this project:



The first one is used for reactive programming and the second one is used for working with dates and times in java. Add the following code inside of your <dependencies> tag in the pom.xml file:

It is possible to use VSCode with the reactive java framework. In this blog we will learn how to use vscode with the reactive java framework.

To create a project, open the command palette and execute the “Create Maven Project” command. Give it a name, such as “reactive-demo”, choose a version and package of your choice and hit enter. If you are not already in the project view, switch over there by clicking on the folder icon in the sidebar.

Next we need to add some dependencies to our pom.xml file. Open that file and search for dependencies. Right below them, add a dependency for RxJava, but don’t add one for Reactor yet, as we’ll do that after having created an example:

The reactive approach to programming has been around for a while now, and as it becomes increasingly more common and popular, developers are looking for ways to use this approach in the tools they use. This is especially true when it comes to writing code. vscode is one of the most popular text editors used by developers today, and adding support for reactive operators has become a priority for some developers.

This article will show you how to add support for reactive operators in vscode using a simple example. You’ll learn how to build a simple application that will allow you to react to real time changes in data using vscode. The example app is built using the following technologies:

JavaScript (ES5)



The first step is to install Node.js and MongoDB on your machine. You can download them from their respective websites or via your package manager.

Once you’ve installed both of these packages, we’ll need to create our Node.js project by running the following command:

node init my-project-name

Next, we’ll create a new file called index.js and place it in our project directory:

mkdir src/main/java/org/vscodereactorsamples

Reacting to real time changes in the IDE is pretty awesome. When I first saw this feature it was in eclipse with the Google plugin. After using that for awhile I really started to like it and was sad when I switched to VS Code.

I looked around a little bit, but didn’t see anything for VS Code that would do what Google’s plugin did for eclipse, but after a bit of digging I found a way that works pretty well.

The new hotness in reactive programming for Java is RxJava. It brings reactive programming to Java. The only thing missing has been the ability to react to changes as you make them in your IDE.

Well, I’ve got good news! There’s a plugin that does just that! It’s called vscode-rxjava-plugin, and it works with VS Code. The README shows you how to install it and use it with gradle and maven. If you’re not using either of those then you can use the compileOnly dependency provided by the plugin’s author.

Java 9 adds modularity to Java, so we need to add some –add-modules flags when running our code:

Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code is a powerful code editor which has recently become my editor of choice. One of the reasons I have made the switch is that VS Code allows me to keep all my IDE settings in source control. For Java development, I also have a set of live templates that I have shared via Git as well.

Another nice feature of VS Code is its ability to run tasks from within the editor. In this post, we will look at how to use VS Code with the reactive java framework Project Reactor from Pivotal.

Java 9 and above

The examples in this post are based on Java 9 and 10 on macOS High Sierra (10.13). Note that you do not need to actually install Java 9 or 10; you can use any Java version as long as you have JAVA_HOME pointing to it.

Getting started with Project Reactor

The first step is to download and import the project into your Eclipse workspace (or some other IDE). Then you can either run mvn clean install or just import it into your IDE without running Maven first.

Next, we will add a new Run/Debug Configuration for VS Code that will enable us to run our tests from within the editor itself:

VSCode is a text editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and OS X. It is free and open source IDE. It has a built in debugging support, embedded Git control, syntax highlighting, code completion, integrated terminal, code refactoring and snippets. Its features are easily extendable with plugins. In this blog I will describe how to use VSCode for Java development.

I am using a local repository provided by github and jdk 11. Please download the following before you start:

1) Download vscode

2) Install Microsoft extension pack

3) Java Extension Pack (Java SE Development Kit 11 and Spring Boot Extension Pack)

4) Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat (

5) Debugger for Java (vscjava.vscode-java-debug)

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