How To Setup VIM on Windows

This is a step-by-step tutorial for setting up vim. It’s not meant to be a vim tutorial, but it will cover the basics.

What is vim? Vim is a command line editor that does everything vi does and more. You’ll be able to edit files, search through them, replace text, and do all sorts of things without ever having to touch a mouse.

Install vim: First off, you need to make sure that you have vim installed. If you are using Debian or Ubuntu Linux, then you can use apt-get as follows:

$ sudo apt-get install vim

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS or Fedora:

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up Vim on Windows.

Vim is one of the best text editors ever created. It is known as the most efficient text editor and its cross-platform availability make it more powerful.

The latest version of Vim can be downloaded from Vim Downloads Page. The setup will install everything that is needed to run Vim on Windows.

I’ve been using VIM for about 5 years now, and it has become my favorite editor. It’s powerful, fast, supports plugins, and can be extended with scripting languages.

I use it in the following environments:

– Windows

– Cygwin

– Linux servers (SSH)

– Mac (OS X)

The best part is that you can use the same configuration file on all of these environments.

You may want to take a look at this article for an overview of some of the most useful features in VIM. I also suggest reading this if you are new to VIM and have never used it before.

The vim editor is an enhanced version of vi. Many new features have been added: multi-level undo, syntax highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.

If you are new to Vim or just prefer a more graphical approach to text editing you might want to try gVim.

You can download gVim 7.2.411 installer from the following link.

Download gVim 7.2.411 installer

Windows is an operating system and a platform and a “market.” Vim is a text editor. VSCode is an IDE.

“IDE” stands for Integrated Development Environment. It’s basically a text editor on steroids. It has extra features to make editing and viewing code easier for programmers.

Vim is a “modal” editor. It has modes for editing, moving around, searching, and doing all sorts of other things that aren’t just typing words. You switch between these be pressing keys like “i” for insert mode and “esc” to get out of insert mode back to normal mode.

VSCode is not modal so you don’t have to switch between modes because it’s always in the same mode. This can be simpler, but some people find it annoying because they want to use the keyboard as much as possible and don’t want to move their hands off of it by using the mouse or trackpad or whatever.

I don’t know anything about programming in Windows so I can’t really tell you what you should use if you’re learning to program on Windows. People seem to usually use either Vim or VSCode though, so maybe pick one of those?

Download the file from

Vim is one of the most popular editors for writing code. It’s ubiquitous so if you work with other developers, you’ll probably be using it at some point. But it can be intimidating for new users because of how little it resembles other software. So let’s get started with setting up Vim on Windows!

This tutorial is based on Vim 8.0 and later. If you are using a version of Vim older than version 8.0, consider upgrading!

As far as the software installation goes, Vim is pretty easy to setup. So I’m going to focus on a few tips & tricks that will help you learn the fundamentals of this powerful editor.

You should have a strong grasp of these concepts before moving on:

– How to save files in Vim

– How to quit Vim

– Opening and closing files in Vim

– How to edit text in Vim

– Using Vim command mode vs insert mode

– How to copy and paste in Vim (yanking / deleting)

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