Process Related Malpractice

It is always interesting to see how people make mistakes during coding. This can help us get a better understanding about what to look for when we code ourselves and hopefully prevent making similar mistakes.

I have been writing about this subject before in a blog post called Process Related Malpractice where I discussed the process related mistakes I have done myself and have seen others do as well.

The process related mistakes are all related to the software development process we use. There are many kinds of software development processes out there. Most of them, however, share some common characteristics that enable us to categorize them into a few different types.

In this blog post I will give a short overview of the different processes that I know of:

– Agile

– Waterfall

– Spiral

– Iterative


Process related Malpractice

\href{}{\url{Process related Malpractice}}

The key to writing good code is to avoid the mistakes that can cause bugs and make code hard to maintain. I see many developers doing same types of mistakes and it’s not because they don’t know what they are doing. They are just not aware of the issues they are introducing in their code. I am starting this blog in order to educate as many people as possible on these issues.

I have been working as a software developer for over 13 years now and I have seen a lot of code, some good, some bad and some ugly(I am talking about your code here). So let me share with you my experience on how to write good code that is easy to understand and fix.

While writing code, it is very easy to make mistakes. One such mistake is forgetting to implement a certain use case which might be very crucial for the product to function properly. While there are some tools or practices to detect these kind of bugs before they cause havoc, sometimes they do slip into the production code causing serious problems. I would like to list some of them and how we can avoid them.


One of the things that you should always handle in your code is errors. By this I mean not only errors that arise from your own code but also those which might occur from external libraries or third party applications used by your application.

Sometimes when you are writing code you don’t pay much attention to the error handling part as you know that it will not happen in the current scenario and that it will never happen considering your usage pattern. But this could become a problem when certain features are added which might trigger these error conditions or when your usage patterns change.

Handling of errors does not have to be specific in all cases, sometimes a generic handler can do just fine as well. It is important to at least handle them because it will help you identify what went wrong and how you can fix it quickly rather than having no

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This is a sample latex code.

$$\sum_{i=1}^n i^2 = \frac{(n^2+n)(2n+1)}{6}$$




\title{This is a LaTeX document}

\author{Wei Jie Goh}



This is a sample article demonstrating the use of LaTeX.

\section{Math example}

Let $f(x) = x^2 – 3 x + 2$ and suppose we have $y = f(0.5)$. Then we find that $y = 0.25$. Using the binomial expansion, we can also get:

$$y = f(x) = (x-0)(x-3)$$


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