What’s New in the Visual Studio Code April Update

Visual Studio Code, Microsoft’s free cross-platform lightweight code editor, has received a new update.

The April Update of Visual Studio Code introduces a number of improvements including a new “Run on Click” feature for the Python extension and an update to the C/C++ extension which brings improved IntelliSense performance and configuration.

First up, Python users can now run a cell in the Python Interactive Window directly from a code cell in the editor by clicking the Run on Click icon within that cell.

Visual Studio Code April Update Features

Visual Studio Code April update is now available and includes a number of improvements. Here’s a look at what’s new for extension authors, command line users and everyone else.

For extension authors, TypeScript 2.3.2 has landed in VS Code. This brings a lot of great new language features, including conditional types, default expressions and strict class initialization.

For command line users, the code command has been updated to open the current folder in your VS Code instead of creating a new window each time.

In addition to updates to TypeScript and the code command, there are also new improvements to the editor:

• We’ve added support for CSS Modules via a new css-modules-loader-syntax extension (thanks to Chris Dias).

• Validation errors in settings files have been improved with precise underlines (thanks to Alessandro Fragnani).

• We’ve added additional drag icons for text selections (thanks to Alexey Zuev).

Visual Studio Code April 2020 Update Features


The April update of Visual Studio Code (version 1.45) includes new debugging experiences, more editor productivity features, and better workflows for AI development and IoT applications.

The new Debug Side Bar gives you more room to explore and interact with your code during debugging. It is also extensible, so you can add or remove views according to your workflow.

You can now debug any file in a workspace by setting breakpoints, stepping through code, viewing variables and more. The new Run File context menu command allows you to start debugging on the currently opened file. To launch a file in debug mode from the Explorer, use the Run File in Active Console command from the Explorer context menu.

The Python extension has added support for native editing of Jupyter notebooks inside Visual Studio Code: You can now directly edit .ipynb files and get the interactivity of Jupyter notebooks with all of the power of VS Code. This release adds support for native Python types in DataFrames/Series, a sample database to show you how to store data and execute queries in SQLite using Python, as well as printing all stack traces in notebook cells.

Visual Studio Code has become a very popular code editor for web developers, especially those working with JavaScript and Node.js applications. Last year we launched Visual Studio Code at //build/ and have been steadily adding functionality and tweaking the product for optimal developer experience since then.

In this post, I’ll highlight some of the major changes in our April release (version 0.10.8). You can read about all the details in the release notes, but here are some of my favorites:

• More keyboard shortcuts! If you’re a keyboard jockey, you’ll be happy to know that we now support more than 100 keyboard shortcuts by default. Want to add your own? Check out keybindings.json. The keybindings editor (Help > Keyboard Shortcuts) has been updated to show the most popular shortcuts by category.

• New window management commands! We have added a number of commands to make it easier to manage multiple Code windows: File > New Window, View > Toggle New Window, and File > Close Window (Command-W on OSX and Ctrl-W on Windows).

• Support for Visual Studio themes! If you have exported a theme from Visual Studio, like this one from

Welcome to the April 2019 release of Visual Studio Code. This release contains new features for Python developers, improvements in Insiders’ favorite JavaScript debugger, and many other improvements.

The April 2019 release of VS Code, v1.34, includes:

– A new “Open Editors” view added to the Explorer that shows your currently open files and allows you to easily switch between them quickly.

– A new “Extensions” view added to the Explorer that shows all your installed extensions, allowing you to quickly enable/disable or remove extensions.

– The integrated terminal now supports Unicode combining characters and cursor shape changes.

– Added a new setting editor.multiCursorModifier that allows changing the keyboard shortcut for triggering multiple cursors with the mouse.

– Added a new setting editor.snippetSuggestions that can be used to enable snippet suggestions for supported languages on top of other suggestions provided by extensions.

– Changes to extension auto-update setting take effect immediately instead of after restarting VS Code.

In our April update of Visual Studio Code, available now as your monthly release or by updating to the Insiders build, we’ve added support for multi-root workspaces and a preview of Python Language Server. These new features are available in addition to our other April improvements like terminal support on Linux and macOS, improved source control actions, a reduction in editor startup time, and more.

Multi-root Workspaces

We’ve heard from many of you that you want to group projects together into workspaces. We started addressing this need by adding workspace management in the last release. Now, in this release we’re extending this with the ability to include multiple folders directly into a single workspace. This allows you to open multiple projects at the same time without having to create parent folders. To add more folders to your workspace, use File > Add Folder…

To remove a folder from your workspace, simply close it using File > Close Folder… If no other folders remain in the workspace, VS Code will also close the workspace.

Python Language Server Preview

Python is now supported through an extension utilizing Microsoft’s Python Language Server for visualizations such as IntelliSense completions and method signature help. To install this language server in VS Code,

Today, we have a new monthly update to share with you. We continue to make improvements to the user experience in our April update, with focus on three main areas:

User Interface

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