For a long time, I have been searching for the best Java blogs. Yet, I could not find any comprehensive list. And I think that is a pity. So I decided to create one.
And that’s why you are reading this blog post now. It contains 10 Top Java Blogs and their best articles.
Why following the best Java blogs can help you?
I know that there are many of you who don’t like to read books or attend conferences and workshops. But I also know that there are lots of people out there who want to learn more about Java but they don’t really know how to do it. Or maybe they are just afraid to start learning something new?
You might think: “But how can reading articles on Java help me?”
Well, let me tell you first how it helped me and then you can decide whether it would be worth your time or not.
I have been a software developer for over 15 years now and I created many different types of applications using different programming languages such as C++, C
Whether you are a beginner or experienced Java developer, there are many blogs out there that can help you to learn new tricks and techniques. These blogs are run by the industry’s top Java developers and provide excellent content on a daily basis.
Here is our list of 10 top Java blogs that will keep you in the loop with all the latest news, trends, and techniques in the world of Java. Some of these blogs are more popular than others, but all of them offer something unique and interesting that will help you improve your skills as a Java developer. Check out their best articles below!
So, how to learn Java? There are many ways to learn Java. You can start with a book, but it is a slow process. You can attend a training course that cost a lot of money and time. Or you can read good Java blogs and take advantage of the free tutorials.
The best way to learn Java is reading good Java blogs. There are many excellent Java blogs out there. Many of them are written by highly respected professionals in the field of programming. They share their knowledge for free, so that you can benefit from it.
You should follow those blogs regularly and read their best articles carefully. Some articles are more important than others, so we singled out some of them for you. These articles will teach you most of what you need to know about programming in Java.
Do you want to learn Java?
Do you know why so many people still prefer the Java programming language over any other major programming language?
Because Java is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages.
Why is it a preferred choice for software developers?
Because Java’s syntax is based on English keywords, which makes it easy to learn and understand.
Learning Java can be a daunting task. To make your work easier, I have prepared this list of best 10 Java blogs.
These blogs are not in any particular order and you can follow any or all of them, depending on your requirements.
So, let’s get started!
A few years ago, I was looking to learn Java, and I ended up going through a lot of different books and tutorials. Many of them were very helpful, but some weren’t. So I thought it might be helpful to others if I put together a list of the best Java blogs.
I hope you find this list useful. If you have any other Java blogs or resources that have been helpful to you, please let me know in the comments section below.
Java has been around for almost 30 years and is still the most popular programming language in 2020. There are billions of Java-based devices worldwide. In fact, Java is so popular that it is used by over 9 million developers worldwide and runs on over 7 billion devices across the globe.
So, what makes this programming language so popular? And why, as a programmer, should you bother to learn it?
Let’s start with some history. In 1995, Sun Microsystems released Java as a core component of its Java platform (Java 1.0 [J2SE]). This release was marketed as the first step in creating a universal consumer electronic platform. To help achieve this goal, Sun offered Java for free to anyone interested in developing programs for consumer electronics (such as TVs, VCRs, etc.)
Java is a statically typed, object-oriented programming language. It is a high-level, general-purpose programming language that is one of the most popular in the world.
Java’s features include:
Object Orientation
Platform Independent
Simple Language
Secure Programming
Robust Programming
Multithreaded Programming
Distributed Programming
Dynamic Programming Language
High Performance